
2020-07-13 10:42:07来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  2020 年 07 月 11 日雅思听力机经考题回忆——来自环球教育考试院&环球教育西安学校 魏维老师,和上名校小编一起来学习一下吧!



  A man is calling Child Healthcare Centre where the receptionist introduces Lake Road Child Care Centre.


  (注:本场听力考试中,录音恢复给出 example 提示!!!)

  单句填空 1-10

  1. Short day’s expenses, fee: $ 37.50 for children under 2 years old.

  2. There (one week offers) are 20 hours for free caring (included in the price).

  3. Centre has its own playground where outdoor programmes, exercise and activities to parents are offered.

  4. All the teachers in this centre have teaching experience in a primary school.

  5. Parents asked that other centre has weekly report

  6. Two children, the earliest month child can join is September

  7. Other stuff need to bring themselves is apron and sunglasses, sun cream

  8. They should also bring a family photo because children may miss home.

  9. Need medical certificate from a doctor

  10. The centre’s address is in Calliope Avenue







  11. They invite these parents to attend because 答案选B

  A. both parents and teacher2

  B. they accepted a survey before

  C. they often visit the museum

  (听力文本中提到要求父母参观完做调查都filled in questionnaires,给提意见)

  12. What has been changed recently in the museum 答案选B

  A. entrance of the museum hall

  B. cafe

  C. museum shop


  13. What will be on October Event 答案选B

  A. insects

  B. plants

  C. birds

  (听力文本中提到birds were last year’s and the insect will be the next year project)

  14. Cinema is not only for movies but also sued for 答案选A

  A. holding all kinds of various parties

  B. school clubs (lots of celebration)

  15. … hope new members advise on how to manage money 答案选B

  A. spend the money on museum

  B. get extra income for the museum

  (听力文本中的同义替换是… raise fund)

  C. decide money paid

  16. visitors will no longer be worried missing important information 答案选C

  A. they are all put on website

  B. museum will send brochures copies to their home address

  C. send them electronically


  17. fly us to moon: 答案选项为suitable for all ages

  18. movie dolphin: 答案选项为was made a long time ago



  19. secret of pyramid: 答案选项为win an award

  (听力文本说到金字塔的秘密 been rewarded)

  20. monsters movie: 答案选项为have special hi-tech dramatic effect




  Two students, Dan and Fiona, are discussing assignment on Dickens’ Novel.答案回忆:

  配对 21-24

  A. an obedient daughter

  B. deliberately be cruel to others

  C. act in a child innocence

  D. act in a foolish way

  E. resent on things preciously

  F. pay attention to appearance

  G. insight into human nature

  Female characters 女性主角

  21.1 st character (Rosy) --- 答案选 E

  (听力文本提到早期的恩怨情仇太多,1 号女主角沉浸在痛苦之中)

  22.2nd character feature (Flory) --- 答案选 D

  (听力文本的同义替换为…very childlike, not innocent but it is silly)

  23. maid 女仆人演员的特征 (Lizzle) --- 答案选 G

  (听力文本提到多数人觉得她漂亮 pretty, but she does not care. 她拥有洞悉人性的能力)

  24. 4th character’s feature (Estelle) --- 答案选 B

  (听力文本的同义替换为…make others suffer a lot.)


  25-26 What are their opinions on some part of the lectures? 答案选 C E

  A. always start on time

  B. video is seldom used

  C. lecture is well organized

  (听力文本的同义替换为 organisation is very good)

  D. too noisy in virtual learning

  E. insufficient time for discussion

  (听力文本的同义替换为 Do you think we have enough time for discussion? No, I don’t think so.)

  27-28 What improvement can be made to the 答案选 B C

  A. IT support services

  B. computers

  (听力文本的同义替换为 so are the computers, people got to line up)

  C. photocopy facilities

  (听力文本的同义替换为 there is usually long queue so one needs to wait for ages)

  D. a good librarian (听力文本提到 they are very helpful)

  E. a lack of visual and audio effects (听力文本提到 we do well, there is no need for a leader)

  29-30 What are their opinions on the group discussion? 答案选 D E

  A. size of group is suitable(听力文本提到 too many participants, too big)

  B. easy to find meeting chances


  C. an effective leader is needed(听力文本提到 we do well, there is no need for a leader)

  D. the class time is properly used

  E. students find the class is very effective




  The lecture is about the history of commodity of salt.


  单句填空 31-40

  31. Salt is essential for human’s health

  32. origin for English word ‘salary’

  (听力文本提到 This term derived from the Latin word used to describe the payment made to Roman soldiers)


  33. the fresh meat is only available in October

  34. animals are fed in the local forest during the summer(听力文本提到 slaughtered 进行屠宰 in winter)

  35. Record (1573) has been used widely, we can tell from the diet of king of Sweden

  36. beer consumption is large because the food was so salty.

  37. Sweden needs to protect its shipping to import commodity

  Sources of Salt

  38. from basins in desert locations, Sahara

  Warm Climate

  39. salt from spring water is more concentrated and purer compared to sea water

  40. Salt trade cities formed due to a nature mean of transport



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