
2019-12-17 17:52:02来源:环球教育作者: 小羊整理阅读量:




  本周大陆考区终于再次考察流程图,主要是描述铝制品的回收 。学生针对流程图要注意提升解题能力,和词汇量,同时注意写作过程中的衔接结构使用,增强文章的整体感和逻辑。


  【作文题目】The young people in the workforce are changing their jobs or career every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?




  【参考范文】in modern workplace, it is normal for people, especially the young groups, to change their work forms or even hop between careers every now and then. In fact, people alter their career paths for various reasons, some of which are out of one`s subjective wishes, while in other cases, this is simply life comprise to the deteriorating workplace environment.

  Most young people have a vague career plan before they started their career life and for this, many of them would make a change of career after gaining years of working experiences in a specific industry field. To further put it, after years of improvement of industry knowledge and competence , these young ones would have had an insightful acknowledgement towards their working fields and once the time is mature enough, people will naturally pursue their dreaming direction in career such as starting up a new business or working for a socially reputable company for better professional returns. This actually becomes a natural procedure in the commercial field where young labors spend years building client networks before running a self-owned brand or hopping to a larger platform. Form this perspective, these young ones have clear career goals and are willing to take time for career growth, which to me, is a positive attitude towards work life.

  However, in some other cases, young people today swinging between different jobs or careers is a just way of escaping and self-exculpation. These people, mostly, are impatient to the working pressure and cannot tolerate the slightest disappointment at work such as complex colleague relationship, overtime work or low payment at the early phase of a job. Therefore, changing jobs constantly becomes their escaping way out of any workplace dilemmas. This is no doubt a negative choice for young people to adapt in their career life, which disrupts their career development and meanwhile, kills the fighting will that young ones are supposed to hold. Therefore, for this group of young people, changing jobs becomes an addictive poison.

  Therefore, there is no standard to measure the results of the changed job or career in a short-term view. However, in the long run, those changing careers for a clear-cut goal with full preparation are the final winners in the working tracks.


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