
2019-10-21 18:25:43来源:环球教育作者: 王泽玥阅读量:





  【作文题目】The international community must act immediately to ensure that all the countries reduce the consumption of fossil fuels e.g. gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  【题目分析】agree/disagree类题型。该话题正反都可写。支持的话则是以正面的观点,需要讨论国际社区马上采取行动减少化石资源消耗的优点。关键词需抓住国际社会不是个体国家,其次要突出act immediately为马上行动,强调问题的严重性,以及解决问题的迫切性。




  The mass burning of fossil fuels has been globally regarded as the major reason for environmental issues. As far as I am concerned, all countries should take actions as soon as possible to eliminate the excessive consumption of fossil fuels.

  Due to the heavy dependence on traditional resource, the process of industrialization, which many countries have undergone, should be the culprit of contamination and other related consequences. Air pollution and sewage released from factories had upset the ecosystem and even put many species on the edge of extinction. To address these problems, it is necessary to cut down the usage of conventional resources such as gas and oil in a worldwide scale.

  Cooperation among all nations should be achieved in order to maximize the outcome. To be precise, the first-world countries require petrol for widely-owned vehicles while the underdeveloped nations rely on huge amount of energy in daily consumption due to relatively larger population and lower consciousness of saving energy. Consequently, all communities ought to get involved in this breakthrough decision, otherwise environmental issues mentioned above would inevitably appear.

  Nevertheless, despite stronger voice of technological transformation, burning fossil fuels is still the most direct way of energy acquisition and economic growth in comparison with extracts of renewable and clean energy. Therefore, in order to ensure people’s living standard, it seems unfeasible to compel every country to terminate consumption of traditional fuels, particularly those in lack of advanced technology and substitutive resources.

  In a word, it is urgent for international community to implement this decisive proposal, though certain counties are in need of more time and methods in the participation.


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