
2019-09-19 11:29:21来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:

  【Part 1-3真题点评】

  Part 1:今年九月迎来2019年的最后一次换题,在原有的基础上增加了例如jeans, languages, walking等新的题目进去,难度不是很大,都比较贴近学生的日常生活让考生都可以有话说,同时在准备新题的同时对于旧题也不能够掉以轻心,还是要多加练习.


  Part 2: 本次Part2的话题人物类的变动情况不是很大, 在事件类和物品类出现了较多的新题,比如说describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed描述一个美丽的天空,,或者 describe a popular product made in your reigon 学生拿到此类题目可能难以下手,学生可以从自己已有的生活中去寻找思路或者事例, 在准备part2过程中千万不要背诵一些答案,可以自己去模仿构造适合自己的答案.

  Part 3:part3虽然和part1的考察形式相同, 但是是比较难的一个部分,尤其是在换题季,学生往往会因为准备前两个部分而忽视part3的准备,恰恰第三部分是对于学生语言素质的一个全面考察,不可掉以轻心.


  Describe a film you would like to share with your friends.

  You should say:

  when you watched it

  where you watched it

  whether you like it or not

  and why you want to share it with friends.



  词汇science fiction film 科幻片

  premiere day 首映

  be satisfied about … 对… 满意

  make sb. grieved 使某人悲伤

  especially 特别是

  could not doing sth. 情不自禁干…

  put aside … 把…撇开不说

  superb 极好的

  visual and sound effects 视觉音响效果



  Today I’d like to talk a movie that I want to share with my friends is a science fiction film called The avengers: end game which tells a story between super heroes and Thanos. I watched this movie at its premiere day by myself at cinema. I was so excited because this movie was the final part of Avengers but to be honest, I am not satisfied about the end of this movie. Even though Thanos died, almost original members of avengers died as well which made me so grieved especially when I saw Ironman sacrificed himself in order to protect other people, I could not help crying. However, putting aside its end, I do recommend this movie to my friends not only because of its grand visual and sound effects but also of my favorite actor Chris Hemsworth playing a role - Thor in this movie. Chris is such a kind of person who gives people a deep impression of being humble and modest. Also his performance in this movie is superb which attracts people most. All in all this movie is the best movie that I have ever watched.


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