
2019-09-17 17:14:14来源:环球教育作者: 杨俊麟阅读量:


  换题季到来,新题相对老题更加注重细节和具体的部分。比如part1 中加入了诸如jeans和haircut;part2加入了描述一个female leader等这些贴近生活细节和限定明显的题目,需要引起同学们的注意


  【Part 1-3真题点评】

  Part 1: Part1 的经典题目study & work和hometown类话题出现频率仍然较高,属于必须准备的题目。对于更加注重生活细节的新题,考生们也要适当练习,拓展思路,避开词汇盲区,寻找题目之间的共性

  Part 2: Part2 环节学生需要更加注意语言逻辑性方面的组织,可以针对不同背景准备一套回答结构,总结对应的思路。以本场考试的事件经历类话题为例,学生可以先介绍事件的基本信息,如时间地点人物等。接下来描述事情本身,一定要注意描述自己的感受和心理变化。切勿背诵模板和现成答案

  Part 3:Part3主要围绕part2的抽象部分来出题,可能会涉及题库以外的内容,考察学生的应答能力。考生们在平时练习本部分时要尽可能的练习较为抽象的部分,从part2 当中延伸,展示更多的词汇量和思路的展开。尤其是要展示辩证的思路观点,并且注意细节,比如问题当中的绝对词


  Describe an indoor game you have played

  You should say:

  What the game was

  Where you played it

  Who you played the game with

  And how did you feel about it


  思路这是一道事件经历类的话题, 也可归类为物品类话题(游戏作为一个事物),要求描述一个室内游戏。学生可以从自己实际经历出发,可以描述桌游、电子游戏等等。可以以时间线为描述主线,先描述基本信息如时间地点人物,给出游戏的简单描述和当中的亮点。也可和其它游戏对比,丰富细节。真实的经历将能更加确保流利度和思路的延展。

  词汇drawing lots 抽签

  reveal, expose 揭露,暴露

  prerequisites 先决条件

  immersibility (游戏沉浸性)

  beforehand 事先、预先

  be infatuated with… 沉溺于某事接近痴狂

  interaction 互动

  reasoning, speculating 推理

  exhausted 筋疲力尽、耗尽的



  I have played quite a lot of indoor games including table games like Chinese chess as well as electronic games such as video games and computer games. Today I want to talk about one game that I have played quite often. It is called dark night close your eyes, a typical table game that my friends and I usually play after a gathering dinner.

  The rule of the game is pretty simple, but it needs at least 6 people. One of the participants shall play as a judge called God, the role of which is to tell what other participants should do at different time points so that the entire game can be kept going in order. The rest participants will be divided as three groups by drawing lots, one is ordinary citizen, who do not have any special power but making votes when the God says so; one is killers, who kill people at night; one is police, who need to find out the killers and have to make the citizens to trust them so that the votes can be made against the bad guys, the killers. No one knows the roles of other players except the role he or she plays at a single turn. Of course, the bad guys do not want to be exposed and have to make others believe that they are the ones of the good. The police do not want to reveal themselves as well, otherwise the killers can kill them at night directly then the game ends and the bad ones win. People speak for themselves and try to find out the bad ones at day times and make votes against the ones that people believe as the bad guys, the killers kill people at night. It’s basically how it works.

  It is a fascinating game that people can work a lot on their words and requires a lot of speculating. I am infatuated with games that involves verbal interaction and reasoning. It doesn’t require too much prerequisites beforehand, but it has great immersibility. I could still remember one night when I went to Paris for the first time. After a hotpot dinner with my friends, we played this game for almost the entire night. We just couldn’t get exhausted once the game starts. You can image how excited we were, it is a must-play game. Honestly, I would highly recommend this game to you.


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