
2021-02-27 14:21:50来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:




  Section 1:儿童托管中心报名



  1 Place of work: the hospital

  2 Other people who pickup the children: their uncle

  3 which day(s) childcare is required Thursday

  4 Fee will be paid: on every week

  5-10) Table completions

  5大女儿 daughter: age of 9

  6 小女儿daughter's diet: allergic to eggs

  7 thesondoesn 'teat fruits

  8 the son likes the gift of a book

  9 daughters would choose the classes of dancing10 son would choose the classes playing tennis

  Section 2:自行车租赁

  11-15 填空

  11. go to the station and touch the screen

  12. you input the password number button

  13. and ease the locker

  14. put on the helmet before setting off

  15. after usage, put the bike back in the rack when lights on

  16-20 地图

  16. coffee bar: C

  17. security place: D

  18. workshop: I

  19. locker room: A

  20. hair dryer: E

  Section 3:音乐与数学之间的关系


  21-26 选择

  21. The two students agreed that the purpose of the presentation is

  A. to show the relevance of the topic

  22. the similarity between music and math is

  C. counting

  23. what do they need to add to their presentation

  A. surprising element

  24. they want to find out

  A. whether music can help math

  25. the purpose of Blacksmith is to: C

  26. They need to do further study on: C

  27-30 匹配

  27. musical instrument: B. too much time

  28. playing clapping games: C. too easy

  29. film of piano: F

  30. different music: A. make the audience confused

  Section 4:


  31. full of nutrition in quality 也有同学回忆是malnutrition 欢迎大家留言讨论

  32. fruit was discovered by accident

  33. color is green

  34. concerned with the reproduction of fruit

  35. monopoly

  36. farmers prefer fruits which are sweet and large

  37. chemical oil of cosmetics

  38. collecting nuts from tree

  39. farmers involved in testing

  40. farmers run their own business and begin to make a profit


  PASSAGE 1   :媒体对孩子的影响

  PASSAGE 2   :探索北冰洋

  PASSAGE 3   :英国和澳大利亚的艺术


  TASK 1  :柱状图+表格

  TASK 2:

  Water scarcity is a serious problem in many countries. What are the causes of this?And what solutions can be done by individuals and the government?


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