2020年9月26日雅思考试真题机经考题回忆 含答案

2020-09-29 16:57:22来源:环球教育作者: 景景阅读量:

  2020 年 09 月 26 日雅思机经考题回忆——来自环球教育考试院&环球教育沈阳学校 龙珠老师  本文为大家带来9月26日雅思机经真题回忆,更多雅思备考干货,可联系网站客服领取



  The line charts depict the number of people who use public transportation and private cars during the period from 2000 to 2010.

  With respect to public transportation, the trend is one that remains steady over the more than decade-long period. During this time, the number of people who used public transport rose and fell minimally, ultimately ending around the same figure in 2010 that it started at in 2000.9

  Regarding the quantity of individuals using private cars, the chart clearly shows an exponential rise in its usage during the eleven-year duration of the statistics. The initial amount in 2000 rose significantly over the period to end at a substantially higher level at the end of the data in 2010.

  All in all, the usage of public transportation remained relatively steady during the ten-year duration of the stats while the number of people who used their own private cars plotted an exponential course.

  (152 words)

  作文题目: Nowadays,anyone can use a mobile phone to answer the work call and home call at any place, or 7 days a week. Do you think there are more negative or positive effects on both individuals and society?






  Smartphones have undoubtedly permeated every aspect of our daily lives at home and in the workplace. Nevertheless, the pros and cons of their usage for both individuals and society are widely debated, which will be further explored.

  With respect to the beneficial effects, smartphones bring families and friends together and make work more efficient through seamless real-time communication. Additionally, during emergencies, people can use mobile phones to reach their loved ones, which allows them to have peace of mind.

  This makes society more interconnected, enabling the flow of information to be smoother among colleagues and leading to greater connectedness among individuals.

  Regarding the drawbacks, with the advent of the smartphone, workers are essentially on call 24 hours a day, able to be reached by their managers and coworkers even in the wee hours of the night.

  This does not only lead to a loss of privacy and personal space but also places a greater burden on

  workers to answer calls or reply to messages from their managers when they are at home, decreasing the quality of time spent with family. Furthermore, family members may also use smartphones to check up on their loved ones, which may become exorbitant and overused.

  All in all, the smartphone is a glorious invention whereby the positives of its usage outweigh the negatives. The device itself cannot be blamed for an erosion of personal space, privacy and diminished time spent with family members. If used responsibly and properly by all parties concerned: managers, employees, colleagues, family members and so on, smartphones can certainly provide vast benefits and improve the quality of life of their end users.

  (271 words)

  范文由环球教育加拿大国籍老师 Khalid Hasmath 老师本人执笔创作,仅供学术交流。


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