
2020-08-18 14:53:17来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:

  每一次考试结束烤鸭们都会比较关注考试的难易程度,听别人说总归不如自己去做一遍了解的清楚,因此真题机经学生们就可能会比较需要,下面小编为大家整理了2020年8月15日雅思考试部分真题机经及参考答案,由于试题的篇幅太长,学生们想要领取完整的雅思机经(最近几期的雅思机经都有),可添加资料老师的微信 yq1105093944领取!



  11.Wreck Diving becomes one of the hottest sport, in Britain, there were 250,000 sunken ships

  12.before you go Scuba Diving.you must have a certificatc.

  13.海域不安全的原因是比如水下水压过高很能见度过低cannot see/录音中说the yisualization is poor undcrwter

  14.not a risk in Britain where the sharks pose no threat录音说大家以为shark很危险,其实不然,有时候会被上面的渔网挂住。真正危险的是自然因素most dangcrous,

  15.check the time you spend underwate Tank runs out of oxygen

  16.be awarc of the fish nets(注意人们捕鱼用的渔网)

  17. if you are lucky enough you will find the ship bell,you can name the ship谁先找到ship bell就拥有这条船的命名权.

  18.search for information in the library如果找到一个什么东西,就能知道沉船的名字,但是如果没有.就要去图书馆查资料。

  19.name to contact:Mr Peckham



  Some scientists believe that studying the behaviour of 3-year-old children can tell which children

  would grow up to be criminals.

  To what cxtcnt in your opinion is crimc a product of human naturc ?

  Is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals?

  Some scientists believe that studying the behaviour of 3-ycar-old children can tell which children would grow up to be criminals.To what extent in your opinion is crime a product of human nature? Is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals?

  The debate of nature versus nurture,which discusses whether a person's behaviour is determined by surroundings or inhcrited genctics,has bccn ongoing for ccnturics.To figurc out whethcr a toddler grows up to become a law-abiding or law-breaking citizen based on environmental factors or heredity is a difficult task that will be explored.

  Studies have been conducted that show offspring of criminals who have mental illness,depression and anxiety disorders have a higher chance of committing crimes.Moreover, based on historical events,crime families have existed throughout numerous geographical regions and their operations have passed down from generation to generation.Nevertheless, it is challenging to state whether children of lawbreakers grow up to be criminals due to genetic factors or simply based on their association with law-breaking individuals.

  The majority of crimes are committed out of poverty, poor parental guidance, substance abuse and even poor judgement, which are not necessarily linked to one's genetic makeup. If children are brought up in a loving and caring environment where they are introduced to the importance of following rules, there is a high probability that they would not become offenders later in life. Furthermore,there is evidence that proves that fatherless children are more likely to commit crimes and lead a life of delinquency.

  All in all, I firmly believe that education and upbringing are the most crucial factors that determine whether a child turns out to be a delinquent. It is imperative that youngsters have a nurturing and supportiye cnvironmont that promotes positive developmcnt and understanding of the importance of becoming a law-abiding citizen.


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