
2020-07-27 15:09:54来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  7.25雅思小作文机经考题及参考范文,范文由环球教育加拿大国籍外教 Khalid Hasmath 老师本人执笔创作,仅供学术交流。

  A 类小作文图表类型:表格

  作文题目:The tables below show the questionnaire about opinions of club members and general public for the new theater in one town in 2012.


  参考范文:The aforementioned table displays the results of a questionnaire conducted among club members of a new theatre and the general public in a small town in 2012.

  With respect to perceptions about the types of facilities offered, club members and the general public shared similar views as a vast majority, 72% and 64%, claimed they were excellent, virtually equal amounts mentioned they were satisfied, 26% and 24%, and few said they were poor, 2% an 8%, respectively.

  Regarding the amount of information known about the theatre, club members appeared to be more satisfied about their knowledge compared to everyday citizens, 30% and 20%, whereby 16% and 14% had poor knowledge, respectively. Nevertheless, the non-members overtook club members in terms of their beliefs of having excellent knowledge at 66% and 54%, respectively.

  As for opinions about the quality of the theatre, club members overwhelming thought they were excellent compared with the general public, 88% and 53%, respectively. On the contrary, only 40% of the general public was satisfied and 7% thought the surroundings were awful, whereas 10% of club members were satisfied and 2% considered conditions to be terrible.(In total: 188 words)



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