2022-07-28 12:02:59来源:未知作者: 飞飞阅读量:
如题, 在 Just Write 外刊语料 2.1 的 第11页
#1 关于家务 chore
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should spend most of the time playing and studying, and they should not be required to do household chores, like cooking or cleaning.
And parents, on the whole, had fewer household labor needs and could afford to spare their kids the less pleasant experiences of their own childhoods...
... how their students’ limited experience with hard work made them oddly fuzzy-headed when facing real-world problems rather than classroom tests.
这里顺带可以学习下spare 这个单词的用法, 我们自己构建句子的时候可能不会想到这个单词
spare /spɛr/(v.)To save or relieve from experiencing or doing (something) 使免遭:使免于经历或做(某事):
fuzzy-headed /ˈfʌziˌhɛdɪd/ (adj.)Marked by unclear, confused thinking. 头脑不清楚的:思想混乱不清楚的
#2 关于孩子是不是需要更多的休息时间
Recently, some primary, middle, and high schools (students aged 6-18) have reduced the number of attendance days from five to four days a week. However, students spend 90 more minutes in school each day. In your view. Is it beneficial or harmful to reduce the number of school days per week while extending the number of hours attended per day?
The time our students didn’t spend in school was mostly spent consuming: products, media and entertainment, especially entertainment.
#3 要不要每周给孩子零花钱
Some parents enjoy giving their children weekly spending money; for example, they may give their primary (elementary) or middle school child a small amount of money each week to spend on whatever the child wants. Some people believe that this practice can cause children to develop bad habits or ideas about money and that parents should not give their children weekly spending money. Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing for parents to give their children weekly spending money? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Our efforts to protect our kids from hurt feelings, tedious chores, money worries and the like are well intentioned. But many of us, perhaps especially middle-class parents, are unwittingly enabling many of our kids to not grow up.
这里可以只说money worries 部分就好,因为其他的和题目也没有关系。然后可以说这样孩子可能不会长大,会有bad ideas about money (点一下题目)
#4 从老人家那里学到人生道理
A university has a club for students who want to help others. The club can undertake only one project this year. Which ONE of the following projects do you think the university club should choose to do? Why?
-Members of the club help young students at a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics.
-Members of the club help build houses for people who cannot afford to buy or rent a home
-Members of the club visit and assist elderly people who need help with daily tasks.
Older folks will benefit from the help, and your kids will gain from the perspective of people who’ve been on the planet longer than they have.
我们当然选的是visit elderly people, 因为从他们身上可以学到不同的对于事情的看法。当然描述的对象要从kids 变成 university students
#5 旅行的意义 (三题)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to travel abroad to visit different countries when you are younger rather than when you are older.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? After completing high school, students should take at least a year off to work or travel before they begin studying at a university.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future.
Travel is simply an opportunity to help our kids to get out of their comfort zones, learn to see different social and economic arrangements.
.... visit a different neighborhood — you don’t have eyes to see your own community until you’ve visited another.
#6 独立能力的重要性
Some children prefer to socialize (get together and have fun) after school with very little involvement from parents or teachers; for example, they enjoy games or activities that they can organize and play safely without help from adults. Other children prefer to socialize after school by joining groups or participating in programs organized and monitored by adults. Which way of socializing after school do you think is most helpful for children’s development? Why?
They’ll have been the planners, the decision makers and the risk calculators, while you’re still there to make sure nothing goes too far off the rails.
如果free play,没有parents 和teachers 在的话,孩子自己去组织活动,当然后面的那个部分在free play 的观点下就不能用了;但在讲家长monitor 重要的时候就可以说,monitoring 可以避免孩子 go off the rails
#7 阅读的重要性(二题)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students can learn just as much by watching films as they can by reading books.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The reading that a student does on his or her own is as important as, or more important than, the reading that a student does because it is assigned by teachers.
.... build reading lists of books that they will wrestle with and be shaped by for the rest of their lives. Becoming a reader grows our horizons, our appetite for the good, the true and the beautiful, and our empathy.
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