
2021-12-01 11:05:33来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  20211127托福综合写作回忆和解析含范文  环球教育成都学校王海峰老师整理提供,本次考试托福写作综合点评:重复 10 30写作考试!更多托福备考干货,请关注环球教育,在线咨询网站客服老师预约托福试听课



  考题回忆总论点Laogoon statue 不是米开朗基罗的仿品



  1. 米开朗琪罗在成名前曾伪造丘比特,鉴于他的造假经历,拉奥孔很可能也是他伪造的

  2. 拉奥孔雕像中间有一个图案,和米开朗琪罗早年一副画作很像,这副画作很可能是米开朗琪罗伪造拉奥孔的基础

  3. 这样会很赚钱。米开朗琪罗一旦与售卖艺术品的人串通,可以赚很多钱


  1. 米开朗琪罗成名前的确伪造丘比特,但他这样做是为了像世人展示自己的天赋。当丘比特被大众认可,米开朗琪罗逐渐成名。对后来功成名就的他而言,没理由再去进行伪造

  2. 米开朗琪罗的画作和雕像上的图案有很多不同。比如arm的位置不一样,还有雕塑的back twisting

  3. 米开朗琪罗这样做风险太高,他不会冒险。他的客户基本是国王、贵族大臣,如果他敢造价,一经发现,他的事业就全毁了


  参考范文In the reading passage, the author presents three different reasons to prove that the Laogoon statue was a counterfeit created by Michelangelo, which has been seriously challenged by the professor in the lecture, and the professor claims that this statue was not a counterfeit.

  First of all, the reading believes that Michelangelo once faked a Cupid so it is likely that he could fake Laogoon. However, the lecturer believes that this is groundless because Michelangelo’s Cupid was to show his talent to the public and his cupid was well accepted by the public , which brought his good fame and prestige. With rise in personal fame and reputation, Michelangelo did not have solid reason to counterfeit.

  Secondly, in spite of great similarities of patterns mentioned in the reading, the professor has pointed out several differences between Michelangelo’s paintings and his statues. One of the differences is the position of arms and the other one is the back twisting of the statue. Thus, it is quite obvious that the reasons given in the reading is less convincing.

  Lastly, the reading material suggested that it was extremely profitable for Michelangelo to counterfeit, but the lecturer absolutely refute the statement by explaining that all Michelangelo’s clients came from upper class, those from royal or aristocratic families. If Michelangelo was found to counterfeit, it would ruin his whole career.



