
2021-11-23 16:17:42来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  2021年11月20日托福综合写作回忆和解析含范文  本文内容由环球教育上海学校严春华老师整理提供,本次写作综合点评:这次托福考试写作部分整体难度适中,其中,综合写作考查社会科学类,整体难度适中。






  Franklin's sailors died and were found lead poisoned in their bodies. Some people think it was because the canned food.


  -lead not in contact with food,铅是用于罐头表面,而食物在里面,不会受到其影响

  -no other report,当时的其他船员也都会食用这种罐头,假如真的因为罐头不可能只有这一例中毒案件

  -one other possible result,船上的净水系统的管道是铅做的,所以有可能是净水系统出问题了




  -船上的净水系统是为机器提供水的,并没有用于 drinking and cooking,饮用水及做饭用的水是特殊分开储藏的,因为他们知道盐水会毁掉他们的身体,所以不可能是管道的铅进入人体



  Both the reading and the listening discuss about the reason why Franklin’s sailors died. The reading argues that the lead in canned food is not the cuplrit, while the lecturer casts doubt on this viewpoint.

  First, as the reading suggests, lead is only used in the surface while the food is inside of the can, therefore it could not impose any effect on the food. However, the listening points out since the can-producing workers are busy and tired, the lead could be leaked into the food because workers’ carelessness and fatigue.

  Second, the reading mentions that there is no other report If it is lead causing the poisonous process, other eaters could have reported more than one case. On the contrary, the lecturer refutes that since nobody got checked regarding the lead concentration, it is hard to report. The typical symptom of leading poisoning is headache, which is so common that it would be construed as the symptoms of other diseases. Other workers might have accumulated ample concentrations of lead that have not reached the tipping point of death.

  Third, the reading passage suggests another possible contributor is the water cleaning system made of lead. On the other hand, the lecturer claims that the cleaning system is there for the machine and not for drinking or cooking. Cooking and drinking water are separately stored because sailors are fully aware of the detriments of drinking saulty water. Therefore, it is not likely that the lead of the pipes caused the problem.


