
2021-06-28 10:45:56来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:








  考题回忆总论点政府是否应该给art和artists任何financial support

  阅读部分1. 艺术不是政府的obligation,公民的娱乐已经超出了政府的管辖范围,而且有很多其他的东西需要政府的支持

  2. 政府会使用censorship来控制艺术,他们可以选择那些支持政府的作品,art funding导致政府歧视观点不同的art

  3. 艺术不需要政府资助,美国art已经很牛了,看看好莱坞电影这么受欢迎

  听力部分1. 是政府的legitimated function,艺术为大众提供recognition、pleasure,是政府的责任,如national park

  2. 因为有些机构是political-independent的,他们才不关心什么作品里的政治因素,他们就关心作品质量,还专门请普通专家来评判

  3. 商业艺术不用投入,但是其它就要,电视和movie不是art好的说明,有些项目比如children art是很重要的,而且你不能指望这些项目去搞商业化


  参考范文The reading passage and lecture debate on the necessity of governmental fiscal support on art and artists.

  According to the first theory in the reading, it is not governmental responsibility to provide financial support. It never lies in governments’ obligation to guarantee civil entertainment. As a matter of fact, there are more functions that government has to consider other than offer public with artistic pleasure. However, the lecture finds it a legitimated function for the government, due to the fact that arts can enrich public recognition and pleasure, which means fulfilling such function can win public support for the government.

  The second reason raised in the passage is government funding may lead to government’s control over artistic works since these works are exposed to strict censorship and those with different views or positions will be discriminated against by the government. Yet, the lecturer opposes, contending that artistic works are assessed by politically independent institutes with the help of experts, which will focus more on quality of the works rather than its political implication.

  The last idea, according to the passage, is artistic industry makes huge profits, especially in the case of Hollywood, which gains worldwide popularity around the world. However, it is challenged by the professor, who maintains that even though commercial artistic industry can survive without government funding, there are still other artistic projects, including children art programs, that require fiscal support



