
2021-06-22 10:28:55来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:


  环球教育   苏州学校

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  话题分类植物类(讨论methods to protect mangroves)


  阅读部分分论点一:把螃蟹用网子给围起来,因为螃蟹会吃掉红树林的种子。用网子围起来之后,螃蟹就不会再来吃红树林的种子了control animals that damage the mangroves (e.g. removing crabs);

  分论点二:有些国家有很多红树林都是被养虾农场里面的虾给吃掉的。因此政府government要求这些养虾农场改用其他的方法来养虾。文章提到了一种方法,就是把养虾农场shrimp farms改到湿地去养;

  分论点三: 政府努力去恢复整个的红树林的生态环境,关键是恢复红树林当地的土壤质量improve the quality of soils。

  听力部分分论点一: 其实螃蟹与红树林共存了几千年。螃蟹是会给红树林来提供养料的,并且它既会帮助红树林挖坑也会帮助红树林的根触及到营养。crabs and mangroves help each other (e.g., crabs dig holes to allow mangroves to absorb nutrients through their roots);

  分论点二: 养虾农场会产生大量的废水,这些废水还会被排放到附近的河流或者溪流当中,而这些废水也仍然会破坏当地的红树林。waste water produced damages streams and ecosystems around mangroves;

  分论点三: 红树林的生长是非常需要氧气oxygen,而只有红树林在这里生长的时候,土壤当中才能充满氧气。而一旦红树林消失了之后,哪怕我们改善土壤质量,土壤当中也没有氧气了,我们修复之后,红树林也没有办法再在这片土地生长了。

  解题思路1. 确定听力材料与阅读文章的关系(反驳)

  2. 灵活使用写作模板,点对点进行比较

  3. 注意动词时态的准确使用

  参考范文While both the reading passage and the lecture discuss the same topic about the possible methods to protect the mangroves, the lecturer challenges the three theories presented in the reading. (28 words)

  First, the reading states that the farmers should control animals that damage the mangroves (e.g., removing crabs by trapping them in a net), because these animals can eat up the leaves of the mangroves. The professor, however, refutes this explanation, claiming that these crabs and mangroves can help each other. For example, the crabs dig holes to allow the mangroves to absorb nutrients through their roots. (57 words)

  Second, the reading passage demonstrates the shrimps in the farm can eat up the mangroves in some countries. Therefore, the government should require these farmers to develop their shrimp culture in other ways. One example is the shrimp farms need to be relocated into the wetland. In contrast, the lecturer contends waste water produced by the farms would be emitted into the rivers or streams nearby and would damage the eco-systems around the mangroves. (67 words)

  Finally, the reading says that the government should try to recover the entire natural environment of the mangroves and the key is to improve the quality of soils. The professor, nevertheless, argues against this view by mentioning the growth of the mangroves actually needs much oxygen and the soils would be full of oxygen only via the mangroves growing up in this land. (58 words)

  (210 words)




