
2021-06-08 17:25:52来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:





  范文:Group sessions are an essential part in our student career as we often encounter them when working on a project in class. Every member in a group has important responsibilities, however, a leader's charisma is necessary for a successful collaboration. How should a leader choose group members to start with? In my opinion, a leader should invite those people who have strong communication skills to be on the team.

  Firstly, people who tend to be good at communicating with others play a huge part in helping the group to run smoothly and achieve its goal. People that usually express their ideas and opinions proactively could help others understand his or her feelings about certain subjects, and this characteristic could foster the brainstorm process as well as discussions, which will in turn increase the group's overall working efficiency. The aim of group work is to work altogether as a whole, which is achieved when communication is bridging the gaps and getting the minds crossed. For example, if someone is way too preserved and is shy to express his or her ideas, it is likely that the group won't count in his or her opinion, which defeats the purpose of having a group. Group work needs members with strong communication skills in order to create the best team outcome.

  Secondly, disputes and difference in voices are inevitable in a group, people who communicate well with others know how to keep relationships smooth with others. Many biases and conflicts are resulted from lack of communication or understanding. Being able to have strong communication skills improve these difficult situations. People who are good at getting in touch with others are likely to understand others and make compromises when there is a conflict in their ideas. For instance, when making a poster, everyone different preferences on the style and the layout. However, talking with others of your reasons can also let others consider your points. After negotiating and exchanging ideas, you can decide on a final version that everyone agrees on. Team work is all about collaboration, which is composed of every person's efforts. Therefore, a leader would choose people who can communicate better for an enjoyable group experience.

  Team work is a challenge for everyone to think at others' standpoints and strive together to achieve the goal. People who can communicate with others efficiently are preferred because they help the group to run smoothly as well as deal with arguments.



