
2021-04-25 14:09:42来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  College is often regarded as an important turning point in life, People assume what they study in college will determine their future earnings. A dilemma lies between choosing a major that will translate to a job with descent pay and choosing a major one is truly interested in. between the two choices, one should lean towards the major he finds attracted towards because he will invest himself into learning and excel in such an area to earn an adequate amount anyways.

  Choosing a major that is assumed to earn well is unnecessary because people who are the best in the majors they are interested in can also be wealthy. One of the most popular majors currently is economics. Many students choose economics not because of their passion for it, but because they assume understanding how the economy works will make them a good player in the system. However, many students later lose interest in economics and no longer strive in such an are, making their choice of a high salary major useless. On the other hand, if the student chose a major he enjoys but is not considered a high salary job such as pottery, and became the best potter around town, he will be well-paid. Regardless of the area, people can depend on it to earn a living if they can do well.


  Students will work harder adn earn better grades in their interested areas compared to those who are forced to study majors with good returns, People cannot devote themselves to work in areas they do not care about it. If an art student is pressured to study astrophysics, a discipline considered to be the hope of future generations, he will fail to understand the creation of stars because his minds is wondering in the starry night of Van Gogh. The same art student will stand out in art major because he feels motivated to learn more about the art world. Coercively pushing a student away from their interest will result in poor results because they cannot focus fully on the high-salary major.

  Students should choose to study topics they gravitate towards because they are more likely to feel motivated to learn about this area, and thus become the best in their area to earn well.


  descent pay 持续的薪酬

  adequate 充足的

  strive in 奋力拼搏

  discipline 学科

  gravitate 被吸引


