
2021-03-09 10:04:16来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  3月6日托福考试综合写作范文参考:动物类黑猩猩对比  前面为大家分享的写作思路可以点击参考:综合写作思路分析:动物类黑猩猩对比 


  While both the reading passage and the lecture discuss the same topic about the possible characteristics of the bonobo and the chimpanzee, the lecturer challenges the three theories presented in the reading. (30 words)

  First, the reading states scientists found the bonobo was less aggressive than the chimpanzee based on an observation of these two types of animals after they were confined into the cages. The professor, however, refutes this explanation, claiming all the animals as the research subjects in the laboratory would not behave like what they did in the wild. (52 words)

  Second, the reading passage shows that there was the social law in the group of the bonobo aiming at protecting its offspring. Therefore, an adult bonobo was not allowed to threaten its cubs. In contrast, the lecturer contends the bully also occurred in the bonobo group and this phenomenon only happened in the moment when researchers were absent from observing the bonobo, in other words, when they all chose to watch the chimpanzee. (65 words)

  Finally, though the reading says the chimpanzee would hunt for other creatures as food but bonobo would not because it was a vegetarian. The professor, however, argues against this view by mentioning the chimpanzee ate other creatures because human behavior could have a negative impact on the source of the vegetarian diet, pushing them to kill other animals. And if one day human beings have a negative influence on the bonobo’s habitat, bonobo would also hunt for other animals as food. (73 words)

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