
2020-12-22 17:45:14来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  boost the economy 刺激经济

  a decent economic growth 良好的经济增长

  the whole world has undergone a widespread epidemic of COVID-19 全世界都在遭受新冠病毒的肆虐

  enjoy a worldwide fame for 因...而闻名于世

  take into consideration 把...考虑在内



  There is no doubt that economic growth is the basis for people’s life and people will find itdifficult to enjoy anything else without a decent economy. Therefore, some people claim thateconomic growth could never be slowed down despite its negative impact on the environment.However, in my opinion, environment protection is as crucial as the economy and we cannotsacrifice it in order to boost the economy.

  Humans’ ignorance of the environment might cause tremendous harm to their health, whichcannot be compensated for by the economic growth. It is universally acknowledged that in thepast, a lot of countries, especially the less developed ones, did not take the preservation ofnature seriously so as to ensure a decent economic growth. Thus, the natural balance has beenruined to a great extent and it would cause huge disasters to human beings. For instance, since the beginning of 2020, almost the whole world has undergone a widespread epidemic ofCOVID-19. This disease has led to a great recession of the world’s economy and the infectedpopulation still keeps rising. It is assumed by experts that this virus infection resulted frompeople’s hunting and killing of the virus’ natural carrier such as bats. People’s destruction ofthe nature ends up hurting people and their health. However developed the economy is, itwould fail to make up for it.

  Also, a good environment will significantly facilitate the tourism of a country, which will bringhuge benefits to the country ’ s economy. Many countries around the world, such as NewZealand and Austrlia, are able to attract millions of tourists every year with their fresh air andbeautiful landscapes, who contribute to the local economy greatly with their consumption. Inthis way, environment protection has become a catalyst for the local economic growth. Forexample, when I was working for my previous company, I visited Laos on a business trip in 2014.To my surprise, tourism contributed more than 50% of the annual GDP growth of the countryback then. That was because Luang Prabang, a city near Mekong River, enjoyed a worldwidefame for its waterfalls and Buddhism heritage, and a great many travelers would come to Laosfor that every year. A good natural environment, combined with local culture, will greatly helpboost the local economy.

  In conclusion, although economic growth plays an essential role in the society, the environmentissue also has to be taken into consideration, for people’s health depends on the environment,and a prosperous tourism resulting from a good environment contributes a lot to the localeconomy.


