2020-12-17 18:58:15来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
托福独立写作高分范文:年轻人应该参加一种还是多种活动?本题和教育,个人喜好有关。题目需要我们从:参与一个活动 或者 参与多个活动中做出选择。而第一句话里提供的活动例子,音乐课或体育运动给我们大概的定义了题目中的‘activities’ 具体指课外的活动。参与一个活动的潜台词是专专注于最重要的事情,专业性,专一和深入度。多个活动通常和多才多艺,才能丰富有联系。所以,本题的关键在于讨论专业性和多才多艺各自的好处和坏处。
Nowadays, apart from schools, adolescents spend their free time in various activities. While some choose to persistently spend their free time in solo activity, hence mastering the skills in one particular field, others prefer todiverse their time in all sorts of activities in order to be versatile. Both approach would bring certain benefits, yet flaws also exist alike the other side of the coin. In my personal experience, I would suggest teenagers to spend their time in different activities for the following reasons.
First of all, diversing time in different activities makes us versatile, thus we would have colorful life experience. Compare to a person who only knows how to play the piano with master skills, a person who knows how to play the piano, the violin, and even the drum would have experienced more life clips during his or her learning process. For example, I used to be a choir member in both elementary and middle schools since I love singing. Happy memories in these choir teams when participating singing competitions count as a valuable part of my life. Besides, I have practiced the piano at the same time for 4 years and harvested my 8th grade examination level in piano. Moreover, I have experience in producing music on my own and publishing them online as an online music producer. All these experience in music add up to paint my life more colorful. Compare to the versality mentioned above, being a master at only piano would limit my experience in only piano competitions or shows, which is relatively plain.
In addition, familiarizing oneself with all sorts of activities expand our conversation topics, hence broadening our friend circles. When we know more than one field, we will be able to pick up topics during conversations with strangers, hence be friends with more congenial people. When we attend our college for the first time, for example, we will meet all sorts of people. If I only know how to write Chinese Calligraphy, it is of low possibility that the person sits right next to me also is a great fan for Chinese Calligraphy. However, if not only do I know how to write Chinese calligraphy, I also know how to play the piano, and even play basketball. It would be of higher chance for me to encounter people who have participated similar experiences. Thus, higher chance of meeting new friends if we are versatile and diverse our time in different activities.
Although devoting all of our time in one field helps us become more professional in this particular field, the benefits are not as significant in an everyday setting. As normal people living our ordinary lives, we don’t really need to be a pro in certain fields in order to prove our worth. In the opposite, being versatile allows us to experience a more colorful life by participating all sorts of activities, it also avoids us to get too bored when just practicing in only one field for 10 years or above. Participations in various activities also provides us with opportunities to meet different congenial friends and our life would thus be more interesting.
In conclusion, spending our free time in different activities would be a better approach since versatile lifestyles bring us more colorful life experience, expand our topic ranges hence friend circles, and would be more beneficial in an everyday setting.
apart from 除了
persistently spend their free time in solo activity 持久的花时间在一个活动上
diverse their time in all sorts of activities 把时间分配到多个活动中
versatile 多才多艺的
experienced more life clips 体验更多生活片段
choir 合唱队
8th grade examination level 8级水平
paint my life more colorful 将我的生活涂鸦的更多彩
expand our conversation topics 拓展聊天的话题
broadening our friend circles 扩展我的朋友圈
pick up topics during conversations 在谈话中可以继续讨论某一话题
it is of low possibility that... ...发生几率很小
congenial 志同道合的
prove our worth 证明我们的价值
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