
2020-12-08 10:20:13来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  托福​独立写作高分答案:政府是否应该投资观赏性的项目?同意与否的题型,下笔之前先思考题目给出的两种类型的项目之间的差异以及各自的优缺点,需要注意的是此道题不能仅考虑实用项目的优点,因为题目中有“not only”关键词,所以实用项目是被默认有价值投资的,此道题目的关键点是讨论观赏性的美丽项目是否值得政府投资,即投资观赏性的美丽项目的优缺点。

  Describe an experience when you changed an important decision.

  You should say:

  When it was

  What the new decision was

  Why you changed it

  And explain how you felt about the change



  It is argued that the government should place more importance on practical projects rather than on fantastic and eye-catching ones. In my opinion, these two aspects are not mutually exclusive but complementary.

  There is no doubt that the government should put priority on the main sectors’ development by building more schools and hospitals. Roads are especially important due to the fact that there is agrowing trend of traffic congestion in almost every metropolis. This basic infrastructure benefits the majority of people because they are practical and useful sectors that are closely related to every citizen ’s day-to-day life. For instance, if the government would invest more fund on school education, the more children could be able to go to school; if the government would build more hospitals, it could make going to such a place more pleasant; if the government would spend more on public transports, traffic jams would ease dramatically.

  When the government satisfies these basic needs of its citizens, it should consider constructing more public parks and monuments for the city which are not only aesthetically pleasing but could also boost the local economy significantly in the long term. As a result, people then have a place to hang out and relax in the parks which would be beneficial to people’s physical health and mental well-being. In addition, it would attract more tourists flocking in the city, thus making other service industries thriving like hotels, restaurants and so on. Take Da Lian city-also called a garden city-as an example, ever since the local government placed more emphasis on its beautification, it has become a tourist hotspotwhich caused its GDP to skyrocket and become one of the top cities in China.

  To sum up, I am convinced that the government should prioritize the basic needs of its citizens by providing more practical projects which would make the city more livable and comfortable for its residents. Then, beautifying the city also deserves attention because it can improve quality of its citizen’s life financially and mentally.


