苏州环球教育 2020年01月04日雅思口语真题点评分享!

2020-01-06 18:38:33来源:环球教育作者: 小羊阅读量:



  【Part 1-3真题点评】

  Part 1:part1的必考题这里就不再进行解说了,刚出炉的新题中有sicence,water sport, number, gift,shop,music 等。其实都是之前的旧题回库的内容,并且整体的内容似乎还是比较正常的。没有太多比较棘手的题目。

  Part 2: 今天分享的part2的部分是关于物品类新题,这一类型的题目往往是同学们拿到手后,很多同学会在想如何撑满2mins的时间。其实,并不难。很有物品都是和自己的生活息息相关。或者能够和其他的话题串联在一起的。所以大家不要慌张。

  Part 3: 在针对回答part3问题的时候,很多同学不是英文的表达的问题。往往是因为中文的思路就没有很好的梳理清楚 。所以平时多加练习和课堂中所学的思维的发散,以及内容分层表达上的句型和词块的熟悉使用都是非常有必要的。

苏州环球教育 2020年01月04日雅思口语真题点评分享!


  Describe an article online or in magazines which helps people to be healthy



  1) 文章标题+获取途径+时间

  2) 文章的大致内容

  3) 具体如何让人们保持健康的(2-3points)

  词汇In a global scope 在全球范围内

  Gain a high popularity 取得了非常高的欢迎程度

  give tips to readers 给读者建议

  loads of feasible practices 非常多的 可行的 措施

  closely related to the healthy life 与健康生活密切相关

  beneficial to my body 对我身体有好处

  augment physical activities 增加身体活动

  This article is designed to 本文旨在



  Well,an article about how to stay healthy and keep fit I read online last month from a website, named “quora“. I guess most young people are quite familiar with this web that gains a high popularity in a global scope.

  This article is designed to give tips to readers about how they can improve or augment physical activities in their life to have a healthy lifestyle. It provides loads of feasible practices of eating, physical activities and exercise, mental health, tobacco use and etc, so you can see, all these aspects are very important and closely related to the healthy life. For example, it advises me to get to know the source of all stress to help me fell in control because the more control I feel I have over my life, the less damaging the stress in my life will be. Therefore, I felt that the article was really helpful because it clearly uncovered some advantages and drawbacks of different lifestyles and provided me the most healthy way beneficial to my body.

