
2021-09-22 14:12:29来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:





  考题回忆Traditions are defined as customary or established ways of doing things in a family, community, or culture. Some people believe that it is important to follow traditions even when those traditions conflict with or are quite different from their own individual preferences. Other people believe that individual preferences are more important than traditions. Which view do you agree with, and why?


  1. 每个人的情况不一样,相比存在很长时间在某些群体或者文化中的传统,结合自己的偏好来做事,更能提升做事效率和实际效果

  2. 时代在发展,很多传统的方式已经不大符合现状,在传统之上结合自己喜好找到一个平衡和折中,可能更能顺应时代





  1. 在过去时间里合理不代表在现在合理

  2. 风险与机遇并存,结合个人喜好的做事方式可能会带来新的机会

  3. 就算不顾个人喜好按照传统做事,可能有违自己内心,做事会不开心甚至产生抵触心理


  Having existed for a long time, traditions, which consist of a set of beliefs and customs, are usually considered as normal and standard practices among many cultures. Therefore, it is argued by some people that despite potential conflicts with people’s own personal preferences, following traditions is more important way of doing things. However, I personally agree with the view that individual preferences are more important than traditions.

  There are two main reasons. For one thing, it is acknowledged that every person has his or her own distinct features. With different family, social, cultural or educational backgrounds, people all have formed their own ways of doing things with their preferences. Following traditions, by contrast, always means that people should adopt the same methods to deal with various situations. However, these traditions, in some cases, could turn out to be quite rigid and do not suit every person. If people can apply their own preferable ways, they can be more motivated and so are more likely to complete tasks with higher efficiency and bring better outcomes. For another, times have changed, and some traditions are no longer appropriate for the current society. In this case, people have to make compromise and individual preferences can help to accelerate this process in the hope of finding better ways to cope with some unexpected even more complicated situations.

  Admittedly, there are some reasons why some people believe traditions are more important than personal preferences. Since traditions have existed for a long time, they have always proven to be the right way or the most reasonable method of doing things without having too much potential to take risks. Individual preferences, however, probably are quite different from the popular opinions and sometimes even cause some conflicts. Most importantly, due to the uncertainty, personal preferences cannot easily be accepted by the general public as well. Nevertheless, what I want to refute is that traditions cannot always be sensible in today’s era, and since opportunities and risks can coexist, doing things with one’s own preferences can also bring numerous new opportunities. Also, if people choose to only follow the traditions and ignore their own individual needs, it is difficult for them to handle things with joy and perhaps they may even get depressed in the end.

  Therefore, it is not reasonable to only follow the traditions even when those traditions have conflicts with or are quite different from personal preferences. I firmly believe that individual preferences are more important than traditional ways. Faced with opportunities and risks, people should try to figure out the most appropriate ways to treat traditions.



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