2022-07-22 11:27:35来源:未知作者: 飞飞阅读量:
这些奖学金主要面向加拿大安省申请大学一年级的高中生。 大多数大学也向安省和加拿大境外的申请人以及高年级学生提供奖学金,直接联系大学以获取有关奖学金的更多信息。以下大学按字母顺序排列: Algoma University
Alumni Award I 候选人:1人 金额:$2,000
A scholarship of up to $2,000 is given to the child of an Algoma University alumna or alumnus with the highest average on the 6 best U/M courses presented for admission. The candidate must enroll in and maintain 30 credits over 2 consecutive terms (fall/winter) of study at Algoma U. This award is non-renewable.
Alumni Award IV 候选人:1人 金额:$2,000
This scholarship is given to the applicant who submits the best 500-word essay. Essays must be written in English and accompany an application form; should consider Algoma University’s characteristics and the historical relevance of the Thunderbird logo, and explain why you chose Algoma University and why you chose to undertake studies in your particular field. This award is non-renewable.
Award of Excellence – Bronze 候选人:不限 金额:$6,000
Awarded to all candidates who present an entrance average of 80–84.9%. Awards are based on the 6 best U/M final grades presented for admission and are renewable for up to 3 additional years.
Award of Excellence – Gold 候选人:不限 金额:$12,000
Awarded to all candidates who present an entrance average of 90–94.9%. Awards are based on the 6 best U/M final grades presented for admission and are renewable for up to 3 additional years.
Award of Excellence – Platinum 候选人:不限 金额:$16,000
Awarded to all candidates who present an entrance average of 95% or better. Awards are based on the 6 best U/M final grades presented for admission and are renewable for up to 3 additional years.
Carl J. Sanders Scholarship 候选人:1人
In recognition of the generosity of the Sanders family, a $3,500 scholarship renewable for up to 3 additional years, is available to the high school graduate who completed all of his or her qualifying requirements in the academic year prior to commencing university studies at Algoma U and who presents the second-highest average over 90% on the 6 best U/M courses presented for admission.
The candidate must enroll in and maintain 30 credits over 2 consecutive terms (fall/winter) of study in the current year they are receiving the award. For renewal, candidates must maintain a minimum average of 80% each academic year on 30 credits taken in 2 consecutive terms (fall/winter) of study. Maximum value: $14,000.
The Carl J. Sanders Scholarship is non-cumulative with the Algoma U Awards of Excellence, Edward & Frank McGrath Award of Excellence, Peggy & Willmont MacDonnell, the City of Sault Ste. Marie Admission Scholarships, Algoma U Achievement Scholarships and the John R. Rhodes Scholarship.
Adward and Frank McGrath Award of Excellence 候选人:1人 金额:$3,750
is available to the high school graduate who completed all of his or her qualifying requirements in the academic year prior to commencing university studies at Algoma U and who presents the highest average over 90% on the 6 best U/M courses presented for admission.
John R. Rhodes Scholarship 候选人:1人 金额:$3,000
is offered to a student entering their first year of university studies from high school who has demonstrated academic achievement and community leadership while involved in political, social or academic activities.
Peggy and Willmont MacDonnell Scholarship 候选人:1人 金额:$3,000
the high school graduate who has completed all qualifying requirements in the academic year prior to commencing university studies at Algoma U and who presents the third-highest average over 90% on the 6 best U/M courses presented for admission.
The Luu Family Scholarship – Celebrating 40 Years in Canada Entrance Scholarship 候选人:1人 金额:$500
This scholarship will be used annually to provide a $500 award to a student (from either high school, college or university transfer) in their first year of studies at Algoma University in any program.
Brock University
Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award 候选人:1人 金额:$3,000
the high school graduate who has completed all qualifying requirements in the academic year prior to commencing university studies at Algoma U and who presents the third-highest average over 90% on the 6 best U/M courses presented for admission.
Brock Scholar Award 候选人:不限 金额:$3,000
Awarded to entering students with no previous postsecondary experience. Initial offers are made based on available high school grades at the time of admission. The offers are reviewed when final grades are submitted, and are altered if the final average falls into a new category.
$4,000 ($1,000 each year) 80-84.9%
$6,000 ($1,500 each year) 85-89.9%
$10,000 ($2,500 each year) 90-92.9%
$16,000 ($4,000 each year) 93%+
Donor Awards 候选人:150 金额:$20,000(4 years)
Most donor awards require an average of 85% or above, and some awards have other criteria. Donor awards range in value, up to $20,000 over 4 years. Brock makes it easy – just complete our OneApp to be considered for all of our entrance awards. You do not need to be accepted to Brock before you apply.
Good Scholarship 候选人:不限 金额:$8,000
Goodman Scholarships are awarded to students entering the Goodman School of Business who have demonstrated at least 2 of the following:
- leadership in school life and community life or evidence of entrepreneurial talent
- exceptional academic grades
- financial need
These awards may be renewable based on maintaining a minimum 75% average at Brock University.
IB 国际IB文凭奖 候选人:不限 金额:$1,000
Awarded to entering students who have completed an IB diploma. This award is open to students from all countries and provinces. Students must register for full-time study at Brock University to be eligible.
Carleton University
Carleton Capital Scholarship 候选人:13人 金额:$2,000
To be eligible for the Carleton Capital Scholarship, you must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person entering the first year of a degree program and pursuing postsecondary studies for the first time.You must also demonstrate participation in extracurricular activities and have a strong academic background (with a minimum admission average of 90%).
Carleton's Shad Valley Scholarship of Excellence 候选人:2人 金额:$20,000($5,000 x 4 years)
90% average or better and extracurricular activities throughout high school. Renewable at "A-" (10.0 GPA).
Chancellor's Scholarship 候选人:10人 金额 :$30,000 ($7,500 x 4 years)
90% average or better and extracurricular activities throughout high school. Renewable at "A-" (10.0 GPA).
CIBC Bursaries 候选人:2人 金额 :$20,000 ($5,000 x 4 years)
Students must be entering the first year of an undergraduate degree program with the Sprott School of Business, and must demonstrate financial need, leadership and participation in extracurricular secondary school activities, community service or volunteer work. A minimum admission average of 85% is required.
Collins Memorial Entrance Scholarships for Earth Sciences 候选人:2+人 金额 $1,000 to $4,000
awarde to students entering the first year of an Earth Sciences program.
Collins Prestige Scholarship 候选人:1人 金额 :四年免学费
90% average or better and extracurricular activities throughout high school. Renewable at "A-" (10.0 GPA).
Donald R. Yeomans Bursary 候选人:1人 金额 :四年免学费
Student must be entering the first year of study in any undergraduate degree program, and must demonstrate financial need, leadership and participation in extracurricular high school activities, community service or volunteer work.
Entrance Bursaries 人数:不限 ,金额:$500 – $2,000
Available to entering students demonstrating financial need.
Entrance Scholarship 人数:不限 ,金额:
80–84.9%; renewable at "A-" (10.0 GPA). $4,000 ($1,000 x 4 years)
90–94.9%,$12,000 ($3,000 x 4 years)(Renewable)
95–100%,$16,000 ($4,000 x 4 years) (Renewable)
Faculty of Engineering and Design Scholarships 人数:60 ,金额:$1,000 – $5,000
Will be awarded to the top students who are entering selected Bachelor of Engineering programs.
Helen and Douglas Nicholson Science Leadership Entrance Bursary 人数:1 ,金额:第一年免学费
Students must be entering the first year of study in the Bachelor of Science degree program, and must demonstrate financial need, leadership and participation in extracurricular high school activities, community service or volunteer work.This bursary is available only to students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
Jay Woo & CAA Scholarship 人数:1 ,金额:$20,000 ($5,000 x 4 years)
Minimum 90% admission average and extracurricular activities.
Page Program Entrance Scholarships 人数:15 ,金额:$1,000
Up to 15 scholarships will be awarded to students in the House of Commons Page program who are entering an undergraduate degree program at Carleton University.
Richard Lewar Scholarship 人数:7 ,金额:$21,500 ($6,500 in the first year, $5,000 in the second, third and fourth years)
90% average or better and extracurricular activities throughout high school. Renewable at "A-" (10.0 GPA).
Riordon Scholarship 候选人:1人 金额 :四年免学费
90% average or better and extracurricular activities throughout high school. Renewable at "A-" (10.0 GPA).
Sprott School of Business Scholarships 候选人:不限 金额 $2,000 or $4,000
Awarded to the top students entering the first year of the Bachelor of Commerce program. This scholarship is offered to Canadian high school students with an admissions average of 90%+ and awarded in addition to other entrance scholarships.
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