
2021-10-17 15:07:34来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  Although recent decades have witnessed the great advancement of the world economy, developing countries still require the facilitation from developed ones. Some people think the best answer of this issue is simply funding,whereas others maintain that practical aids, instead of finance, are a sound decision. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view.


  First of all, practical help can directly assist developing countries in solving crisis. With the difference in development levels, the requirements of core factors, such as qualified teachers, doctors and scientists, cannot be achieved by buying, but rather by systematic training and teaching. In other words, non-financial aids from other countries are quite necessary. For example,during the outbreak of Ebola virus in Africa,instead of giving financial aid, Chinese aircraft arrived in Africa carrying mobile laboratories for Ebola disease control and prevention, which has made great contributions to the fight against the epidemic.

  Besides, financial aids do not come without risks, and one of them is about their misuse. Obviously, due to the fact that parts of developing countries lacking public surveillance, accountability or transparency in government operation, there is a high possibility that the money might be appropriated for personal sake or even flow into the pocket of bureaucrats-corruption in short. Worse still, in less developed countries and in almost any country in time of war, money will be misspent by warlords buying new weapons and bombs, instead of foodstuffs or medicines.

  Admittedly, financial aids allow a poor country to build up an effective government by paying salaries of governmental personnel without delay, and meanwhile the capital input brings vibrant industry, ever-increasing job opportunities and tax revenue for public welfare. However, as what is mentioned above, whether money can be used correctly or not depends on the specific conditions of the country.

  In conclusion, it seems to me that practical aid and advice are more useful for the development of developing countries mainly because of the expected outcome of practical aid as well as the potential risk of solely financial aid.


  Advancement 进步

  Ebola 埃博拉

  Epidemic 疫情

  public surveillance 群众监督

  bureaucrats-corruption 官僚腐败

  accountability 责任;有义务

  Transparency 透明度

