
2021-10-15 18:03:23来源:未知作者: 小美阅读量:


  2020年3月北美卷的历史文章出自一位女性政治作家莫西·奥蒂斯·沃伦之手,沃伦出身于18世纪,在女性不被允许参与公共事务,囿于家庭这一方寸之地的年代,她耗费数年成就关于美国革命史的专著History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution,该书为三卷本,本篇文章摘自第二卷。

  在本篇文章的简言中有一行字:在这篇文章中,沃伦谈及紧随美国革命之后的那段时期。(In this passage, Warren addresses the time period directly following the American Revolution.)在选篇第一段中,沃伦用她的观察写到,“尽管依据条约,美国的独立是明确建立在广泛的自由基础之上;然而,美国人却觉自身处于婴儿时期,正如个学步儿童担心自己的一举一动。国家的债务没有偿还,政府亦没有定数,国家压的人民喘不过气来。”(though the independence of the United States was, by the treaty, clearly established on the broad basis of liberty; yet the Americans felt themselves in such a state of infancy, that as a child just learning to walk, they were afraid of their movements. Their debts were unpaid, their governments unsettled, and the people out of breath by their country. )尽管1783年美国与英国在巴黎签署了和平条约,然而战争带给美国的是多达5400万美元的外债,而后作为美国政府第一任财政部长,亚历山大·汉密尔顿建立政府债券体系,通过旋转门计划,解决巨额外债。

  本篇文章自第二段开始探讨美国民众的弱点与现状:“然而很多美国人对人性知之甚少,也不了解宫廷中的阴谋诡计。虽然他们深信政府的必要性,然而完全不了解它的性质与起源;他们通常认为,除了摆脱外国统治的枷锁和消除国王的名义之外,已无事可做。”(Yet many of them had but a superficial knowledge of mankind; they were ignorant of the intrigues of courts, and though convinced of the necessity of government, did not fully understand its nature or origin; they had generally supposed there was little to do, but to shake off the yoke of foreign domination, and annihilate the name of king.)“他们普遍没有意识到,通常,大多数强大政府的建立模式与民主理论家的体系相悖,是暴力欺诈的结果。他们没有意识到,人们世世代代受到奉承、欺骗或威胁,而后这些受到蒙蔽的群众会自觉盖章定论,放弃特权,且亲自将把奴役的枷锁加诸子孙后代。”(They were not generally sensible, that most established modes of strong government are usually the consequences of fraud of violence, against the systems of democratic theorist. They were not sensible, that from age to age the people are flattered, deceived, or threatened, until the hood-winked multitude set their own seals to a renunciation of their privileges, and with their own hands rivet the chains of servitude on their posterity.)“他们还没有考虑到今后可能采取的新的紧急措施,或更为出色的政府模式。” New created exigencies, or more splendid modes of government that might hereafter be adopted, had not yet come within the reach of their calculations.)因为美国人民对于民主政府这一概念知之甚少,所以很容易受到蒙蔽,建立一个平等民主自由的政府是何其困难。

  在文章的最后,作者再次申明警惕专制政府的建立:“这种欺骗游戏反反复复进行,目的在于误导人们的判断,扑灭人们的热情,直到经由他们自己同意,世袭的王冠和爵位得以固定,并且王室后裔得以永继。因此,美国人习惯性地相信,人类一般是无法享受自然所界定的自由,人民群众无法也无权选择他们自己的主人。(This game of deception is played over and over to mislead the judgement of men, and work on their enthusiasm, until by their own consent, hereditary crowns and distinctions are fixed, and some scion of royal descent is entailed upon them forever. Thus by habit they are ready to believe, that mankind in general are incapable of the enjoyment of that liberty which nature seems to prescribe, and that the mass of the people have not the capacity nor the right to choose their own masters.)


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