
2021-08-06 12:00:22来源:网络作者: 小橙阅读量:



  景观设计师澳大利亚技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority:

  1 景观设计师 Landscape Architect 属于 VETASSESS Group A 类职业,需要本科或硕士学位,有一年毕业后相关工作经验,不认可学位前工作经验。

  2 职业评估不需要雅思,评估函永久有效

  3 景观设计师负责规划并设计项目土地面积诸如开拓空间,拓建公园,学校,公共机构,道路,建筑外区,进行土地分割及创建商业、工业及居住区。要求有景观设计师高度相关的学位,学习内容包括规划、设计和安装外部环境,并关注功能性、实用性和人类的


  RMIT Master of Landscape Architecture 两年制景观设计硕士


  建筑设计、景观设计或其他相关设计本科毕业, 提供相关作品或其他要求。申请者有可能要进行面试,每年两次开学。


  1 作品可以是学生本科期间的项目或参与其中的工作项目,主要包括个人创造设计的效果图、手绘图、设计草图、色彩图、模型、照片、电脑制图等,体现出设计灵感和理念的来源。仅限印刷材料(不接受CD或大于A3 作品)PS:关于申请本课程动机的说明以及你目前的学习研究目标(不超过一页A4 纸的内容) 。




  2 CV:简历需包括你的个人详细信息,学术成就,专业经验(任何工作经验)

  3 作品应以电子格式递交,文件格式以能在Mac OSX上可读的PDF, JPEG, SWF, DCR或QuickTime形式。至多不超过 20 张,每个文档不能大于 10MB。

  4 面试:如进入候选人名单,招生老师可能会安排一个(或以网络形式的)面试。

  墨尔本大学 Master of Landscape Architecture 两年制景观设计硕士

  入学要求:每年两次开学(2 月和 7 月),景观设计本科背景,500 字个人描述(陈述之前学习、工作经验和学习目的)和提供相关作品,学院委员会有可能会进行面试和调查之前的学习工作情况。三年制景观设计硕士入学要求:仅第一学期入学(2 月),无需相关专业背景,500 字个人描述(陈述之前学习、工作经验和学习目的)和提供相关作品,学院委员会有可能会进行面试和调查之前的学习工作情况。


  1 You must submit a design portfolio focusing on design work (rather than, for example, life or still-life drawing skills).

  2 If you are submitting work done in the context of employment, you should explain your role in the work produced with brief notes.

  3 Images and drawings presented in the portfolio should be reproduced at sufficient scale and resolution to be clearly readable.

  4 Elaborate formats that reduce the available page space for the design images should be avoided.

  5 It is most helpful to see a variety of drawings and images: free hand diagrams, computer images, two-dimensional (plans, sections, elevations) and three-dimensional studies, and photographs of physical models.

  阿德莱德大学 Master of Landscape Architecture

  两年制景观设计硕士 每年两次开学

  入学要求:雅思 6(写说 6,听读 5.5),本科相关景观设计背景,作品和 CV


  1 Be printed on A3 in hardcopy and submitted in electronic form.

  2 All CAD drawing files are to be supplied as PDF's in a single document not exceeding 100MB.

  3 Consider the legibility and the hierarchy of your images and text. The portfolio is used to assess design skills and knowledge and should demonstrate familiarity with a range of design processes and media. Representation media should ideally include, but are not limited to: Adobe Photoshop, In-Design, Illustrator, AutoCAD, Revit and other 3D packages, as well as hand drawing, sketching,painting, collage, model-making and photography of models.

  4 In addition to final rendered images, include information on the process of design and development and construction documentation if any.

  5 The folio may include material developed with others in an office/practice situation where this is clearly referenced and the applicant's contribution explained.

  迪肯大学 Master of Landscape Architecture

  两年制景观设计硕士 每年三次入学(3/7/11)


  西澳大学 Master of Landscape Architecture





  悉尼科技大学 Master of Landscape Architecture 2018 年第一次招生


  1. 如果本科学位是设计专业、建筑学、景观或城市规划专业(design, architecture,urban design)的学生,不要作品集。

  2. 如果本科专业不在以上范围内,需要提交作品集、CV 和 PS。


  A digital portfolio in PDF format consisting of their landscape architectural projects from previous studies, professional or creative work

  A two-page CV in PDF format that clearly articulates their design or related experience

  A personal statement of 300 words (max.) in PDF format addressing their reasons for wishing to undertake the Master of Landscape Architecture.


