
2021-07-19 09:28:40来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:




  Some people claim that the main function of advertising is to persuade people to buy more than they need; however, I would say this conviction is erroneous because of the misinformation in its premise.

  Indeed, there are reasons as to why promotional campaigns are assumed to induce people to buy what they do not necessarily need. Those who think in this way opt to attribute all their unnecessary expenditure to the lure of advertisements, whether these be newly launched smart devices or the latest season’s clothes – neither of which is considered as necessity of life. In this respect, many people jump to the conclusion that advertising is the culprit leading to their extravagant lifestyles.

  While people’s nonessential spending does seem to be inextricably bound up with publicity stunts of businesses, it is not justified to say the main function of advertisements is to persuade people to buy what they don’t really need. The overriding question here is: what products or services can be deemed as a must for people’s life? It is difficult for me to see the answer as anything other than an elastic concept that differs with disparate needs of individuals. Based on this understanding, the discussion about the key affordance of advertising should move on to handle questions as to which products or services are more desirable in a given context or what stakeholders in this context value more. A convincing example can be seen in people’s dichotomous views on a sales promotion from a bookstore: the same message may only boost consumption of people considering books as an indispensable part of life, whereas the same information doesn’t compel those without reading habit to open their wallets.

  From what has been discussed, I would say that it is problematic to criticize  marketing for its misleading people’s consumption on nonessential products.


  Campaign  广告

  Necessity  必需品

  Extravagant  浪费的

  Stunt  噱头

  Affordance  功能

