
2021-06-16 21:51:46来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  Prompted by breakthrough of technology, including transportation and telecommunication, the prosperity of tourism has created colossal economic rewards, and this tendency has no sign to cease its steps. Recently, the antenna of this industry has extended into remote areas, such as the poles. However, brought by the activities of scientists and tourists, those natural habitats and ecosystem have been encroached and invaded. So, in my opinion, the demerits outstrip the merits.

  It is undeniable that this kind of tourism, for example the polar cruising which has been prevailing for the recent years have stimulate the tourism industry. Guests are increasingly hopping aboard the ships and expect a first-class experience along with elegant menus, comfortable rooms and additional activities such as diving during the cruise. This makes the ship become bigger to accommodate rising demand and makes cruise more profitable.

  However, with the increasing number of tourists visiting those places yearly, the cruise also raises the chance of a catastrophe such as oil spill or a sewage leak that would damage the pristine polar environment. This fragile environment is prone to be damaged when human activities influence the local ecosystem. For example, the throwaway products and wasted living material which are tossed away may influence the local ocean ecosystem when ships traverse the Arctic Ocean. Even worse, increased human activity in the Arctic may affect the climate change and inevitably increase the temperature which leads to the melting glaciers and iceberg.

  As conclusion, it is worried that human activity is threatening the fragile environment in polar areas and other remote areas which are vulnerable. It is a matter of time, not a matter of if. So, the only thing we can do is to reduce the influence on receding ice and rising sea level and protect the pristine area of our planet.



  Colossal 巨大的

  Cease 停止

  Habitat 栖息地

  Antenna 触角

  Encroach 蚕食

  Polar cruising 极地巡游

  Catastrophe 大灾难

  Oil spill 漏油

  sewage leak 排污

  Pristine 原始的

  Throwaway product 一次性产品

  Toss away 扔

  Traverse 穿越

