
2021-06-10 09:38:55来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  The contradiction between the personal freedom and apprehension about dangers creates a dilemma when we decide whether to engage in extreme sports or not. It looks to me that a combination of both freedom of choice and safety concerns are needed when choosing to engage in any sport activities, with careful consideration being made to different aspects of this issue.

  On the one hand, I personally think it irrational for government to ban any sports solely for reasons of safety. The crux of the argument rest on an ambiguity – that is the definition of ‘dangerous sports.’ Any physical activities could be reckoned as risky if proper protective measures and training are ignored. Sport, such as the boxing an auto racing, have potential risks but we do not expect them to be prohibited. Rather, if there were a stringent code of conduct and proper safety equipment, the potential harm would be mitigated, and it seems pointless to proscribe these sports activities.


  On the other hand, it does not make sense to me either that people venerate personal as a determinant while choosing to participate in any sports. I doubt there exists absolute freedom unhindered by other factors; whether these be threats to individual’s life or public safety. One of the most controversial examples is the bullfight: while devotees of the activity claim its justification in the name of freedom of choice, the sport has long created a bitter controversy between personal right and threat to life, not to mention the violation to animal protection.

  In conclusion, it is my opinion that neither of the two opinions justifiably illustrates the entire picture of either problem; it will be too simplistic to ban a sport without a comprehensive evaluation of risks and possible safety measure solutions, while the freedom principal also doesn’t work with all sports. Both arguments deserve consideration according to the context of the individual and their participation in a particular activity.


  Apprehension  担忧

  Irrational  不合逻辑的

  Proscribe  禁止

  Simplistic  思维简单的

  Ambiguity  模糊不清

  Dilemma  困境

  Justification  合理性

  Controversial 有争议的


