托福口语Task 2之校园题持不完全同意看法

2021-04-19 15:48:00来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  托福口语Task 2之校园提持不完全同意看法!大家在这么多年的学校生活中,应该多多少少都对学校的各种决定进行过吐槽,从这个角度来看,托福口语Task 2校园题的设计还是很有事实基础的。不过,正如我们不会对学校的所有规定都不满一样,Task 2也不全是反驳学校的做法。见题目(主要是TPO)见得比较多的同学一定会发现除了反驳,Task 2校园题中也有不少听力材料支持阅读观点的情况,因此细心的同学通常会准备两套答题模板来应对,以在考场上做到快速反应、准确输出。

托福口语Task 2之校园提持不完全同意看法

  不过,在19年8月的新一轮改革之后,ETS又发展出一种新的套路(developed a new style),被广大考生称为为Mixed Attitude,在这种类型中,对话里的学生们对学校的决定持相对复杂的态度,一方面认为学校的部分考虑有道理,另一方面又觉得解决方案还可以更好。

  别小看这样的微调!这一变动首先会让第一次遇到的同学心理上受到影响,从而发挥失常;其次还会使得大家在答题时需要用到的关联词发生变化,原来是并列的两个点很可能中间要用转折词来衔接。要知道,the relationship between difference pieces of information可是考查的重点,那些只顾着陈述information(说明听力阅读能力确实不错)却不能在输出时说清楚关联的同学,是很难达到理想分数的(听力阅读接近满分,口语写作在23-25或以下晃荡)。


  综合口语 Task 2Testing Format 考试形式1. Read the passage(50s)2. Listen to the conversation(60-90s)3. Read to the question followed  4. Prepare for your response to the question (30s)5. Give the response with examples and/or details (60s)


  Student Center Cafeteria Too Crowded

  I am writing this letter to express my feelings about the Student Center Cafeteria. Ever since enrollment here increased, the cafeteria has become too crowded. This is a tremendous problem during breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as there are simply not enough places for students to sit and eat their meals. In addition, since the library does not have enough room, many students use the cafeteria as a place to study. Unfortunately, there are not enough spaces for the students to sit at. I strongly urge the school administration to renovate the student center and enlarge the cafeteria.

  Now listen to two students discussing the letter.

  Man: You know... The author of this letter is right. The school should renovate the Student center Cafeteria.

  Woman: Yeah. That's indeed good news for students who eat there frequently! I go there to eat every day and it's really hard to find a seat available during meal times.

  Man: True, that will be so convenient.

  Woman: Yes. That way students will have more time to take a break because they don't have to go off campus to eat anymore.

  Man: Okay, so you do think it's a good idea.

  Woman: It's a good idea, but I don't agree with the point they made about studying in the cafeteria.

  Man: What do you mean?

  Woman: You know, the cafeteria is always full of students doing lots of different activities. People are always chatting, and it's really loud. How can anyone study in that kind of an environment.

  Man: But we can't study at the library.

  Woman: That's true. The desks are always occupied, and there's no room to study. You know, the school should renovate the library as well. That would help us with our studies.

  Question:The woman expresses her opinion about the points made in the passage. State her opinion and explain why she holds that opinion.

  PS:综合口语和写作部分,切不可简单地认为是听力和阅读的能力的考查,如果真是那么简单,就不需要单独设置这两个部分了(这个本应是常识,就像TOEFL和GRE不同一样,然而不少人根本将其忽略,这是非常让人遗憾的事实,也是很多偏科高手听力阅读逼近满分,而口语写作就在20出头晃荡的根本原因)。各位在备考Task 2的时候,一定要搞清楚有该题型还有不同的亚种并做好相应的准备,免得考试时措手不及。不仅Task 2,口语的其他部分也有亚种,是否能够精准地讲到这些内容,是“通识英语高手”和经验丰富的口语备考专家之间的本质区别。Who's gonna help you more? It's common sense.

  btw,这位同学所说的time control其实应该叫做time management,quality of language use也是要拿高分的同学需要注意的点哈^^祝大家考好!


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