
2021-03-17 16:52:03来源:网络作者: 王旭影阅读量:

  雅思大作文7分范文:上传个人隐私的利弊  上一篇文章,小编为大家分享了本题的思路解析,大家可以点击参考学习一下  本文为大家分享高分范文示例,希望对大家有所帮助!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育,有需要辅导雅思的同学,可以直接在线预约试听过


  As more and more people entrust their private data to internet organizations, there is an impending trend that their information is obtained by third parties (i.e. banks, shopping websites). While its benefits are championed by companies, I will say its potential pitfalls in terms of data security deserve equal attention as well.

  From a positive perspective, the information disclosure is applauded by commercial organizations. One of the merits can be seen from the economic perspective: by tracking and collecting individuals’ credit records, financial agencies can better assess customers’ credibility, thus mitigating potential pitfalls to a large extent. When it comes to the boost to business, the analytics of individuals’ private data serves as the basis for companies to design products or services that cater to every conceivable need.

  However, the aforementioned benefits are not justified enough to represent the entire picture – while focusing on the blessings of data sharing, let’s not be oblivious to its repercussions for privacy security in the digital age. Based on this, the discussion can then move on to handle conundrums as to how to tackle the misuse of private information in virtual world, whether these be disturbed advertising or phishing mails, both of which take advantage of private data breach to locate vulnerable targets. To complicate matters even more, individuals’ privacy leak may be manipulated for unfair competition – companies obtaining people’s private data may win advantages in winning customers – it is from netizens’ browsing history or conversation record that companies predict the populace’s bias and therefore feed them marketing campaigns to influence their consuming preference.

  From what has been discussed, it is my conclusion therefore, while personal data sharing online can be deemed as a blessing for business, its repercussion for the privacy security deserve equal consideration.


  Entrust  交付

  Credibility  可信度

  Conceivable  可想象的

  Disturb  打扰

  Netizen  网民

