2021-03-05 09:23:13来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思G类大作文考题分析-汽车还是自行车 考题回忆:Some people think travelling by cars is the best way, others think traveling by bicycles is better. Discuss both and views and give ur own opinion.
Some people consider cars as a better mode of transportation than cycle to roam around the cities since it is time-saving and convenient. However, others prefer riding bicycle because it not only saves the environment but also good (not only和but also之后的词性是相同的。前面save是动词,这里good是形容词,语法错误) for the public health. I agree with the latter opinion.
People consider cars a better mode of transportation because of many reasons. Firstly, cars are the most time-saving mode of transport. Car owners do not need to wait for buses or trains in order to reach their destination,which saves waiting time on bus stands and metro stations (论述偏题。本题需要比较的是汽车和自行车,与公共交通无关). For instance, in Mumbai, trains take around two hours to travel from Thane to Bandra west, however, this journey time can be reduced to half by using a car. Secondly, cars are a convenient mode of transportation since they are equipped with air conditioning and music system. Bicycles, on the other hand, expose people to the external environment which leads to excessive sweating during summers and extra cold during winters. Cars help maintain an optimum temperature in all seasons and weathers. Therefore, it is advisable to drive a car for meetings, both personal and professional.
On the other hand, bicycle riding is good for health since it helps to burn the extra calories and keeps the cardiovascular system in good shape. This is why doctors would recommend working professionals who lack time for physical exercise to use a bicycle as a mode of transport. Another reason for using bicycles is that, unlike cars, it does not (代词单复数错误,应为they do not) emit harmful gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Private passenger vehicles are often held responsible for most of the greenhouse gas emissions. The prevent this damage to the ecology, not only do humans need to plant more trees but also adopt environmentally friendly modes of transport such as a bicycle. If people in urban areas begin cycling to their places of work instead of driving cars, the temperature of the cities will certainly fall. Therefore, the use of bicycles helps to control the global warming and spread of lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis (这个分论点论述的是“环保”,不要与“健康”混起来说). For instance, the UK government has made it necessary for city dwellers to use bicycles as a mode of transportation for shorter distances. This step would help to reduce the carbon emission, and also helps to keep people fit.
组长解析:从健康和环保两个角度解释为什么自行车是更好的交通方式。话题词汇包括:bicycle riding= using bicycles= cycling=a mode of transport, private passenger vehicles = driving cars,健康相关:burn calories, keep teh cardiovascular system in good shape, spread of of lung diseases, asthma, bronchitis , keep people fit,环境相关:emit harmful gases, greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, reduce carbon emission.
In conclusion, despite being a time-saving and a comfortable mode of travel, I still preferbicycles over the car since bike riding is environment-friendly and also helps to make the society healthy.
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