
2021-03-03 09:44:32来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:



  BBC大家都不陌生,全称英国广播公司Britain Broadcasting Corporation,AKA Biased Broadcasting Corporation,网名Bullsh**t BroadcastingCorporation。


  今天和大家分享一篇ChinaDaily的文章“BBC World News is ousted! Why?”CGTN2021-02-12




  1Oust 动词,驱赶,撤职,罢免。这个动词比较正式,也比较重。用在这里恰到好处。

  In the early morning of February 12, China announced that it has barred BBC World News from airing in China as well revoked its license for one year. The organization's ideological, biased, and agenda-drivenreporting is no longer worth a credible news organization's status.



  In recent months, BBC has gone on a spree to spread explicit falsehood about China's policy in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The"tainted cotton" story was a prime example. The article featured the rhetoric and research heavily from Adrian Zenz, aso-called "senior fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington" who was debunked by former French diplomat Lionel Vairon as neither an expert on China issues nor aspecialist in Islam or human rights. And this foundation itself is afar-right organization in the US with people coming from the CIA.

  4-7Falsehood名词,谎言,谎话。Rhetoric名词,虚华辞藻。通常写成political rhetoric,政治修辞。

  Debunk 动词,揭穿。

  Far-right 形容词,极右派的

  BBC aggressively pushed his lies, disinformation and explicit propaganda.Since it has cited "research" from Zenz dozens of times in its coverage. His fundamentalist background, conflicts of interest,and extreme biases have never been examined or stated in the report.Yet, the organization used his words repeatedly to draw conclusions about Xinjiang.

  Lastweek, China's Foreign Ministry demanded apologies from BBC. But the organization replied with its shameless statement that its reporting is "fair and unbiased."

  The BBC constantly frames itself as an impartial and neutral arbiter offacts and truth with an arrogance that its reporting is above criticism. Such an attitude is not different from Britain's prejudicein its imperialist era – thinking itself as "enlightened"or "progressive" while having no clues about the history and culture of the civilization it was dealing with. The empire sought to proselytize its views around the world, including China.

  5Neutral arbiter 名词性,中立仲裁人。

  The empire has fallen. BBC inherited that mission and pressed on.

  John Ross, the senior fellow at the Chongyang Institute for FinancialStudies at the Renmin University of China, pointed out that theBritish security service MI5 directly vets BBC staff. "Thecoordination of the BBC with military intelligence was coordinatedfrom a special office inside the BBC's headquarters," Rosswrote.

  With such connection, BBC consistently abuses the trust that viewers put in a news organization. When it reported on the Hong Kong unrest, it gave favorable coverage to Hong Kong rioters and demeaned the authority's efforts to maintain security and stability. It repeatedly dubbed separatists in Hong Kong as "pro-democracy protesters"while ignoring to scrutinize their violence and destructive behaviors.

  9-10Rioter 名词,暴徒,骚乱者。Scrutinize 动词,仔细检查。

  Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, BBC propagated misinformation about the virus and prompted up conspiracy theories against China.Its coverage constantly contained insinuations that there were political cover-ups in China. Even in its recent report on WHO-China joint press conference several days ago, the report can't help but emphasize that WHO experts' visit was "closely-monitored by the Chinese authorities," failing to include or deliberately omitting the fact that it was a joint research team made of Chinese and WHO experts.

  11Conspiracy theories 名词性,阴谋论

  The list of falsehood is endless. With the British politics veer towards the right and form an antagonistic attitude towards China, the BBC has dutifully advanced a strictly ideological and political agenda to cover China-related issues. China has given the organization chances to apologize for its mistakes and rid itself of its biases. BBC has refused.

  12Antagonistic 形容词,敌对的。

  BBC'sonly mission has turned to wage information war on China. When attacked, China defends itself. A news organization shouldn't operateon a hard-line political agenda. An agency has no place, no right, nointegrity to continue reporting in China.

  BBC is out.

  13Wage 文章中为动词,开展或发动某项运动,战争。



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