
2021-03-03 09:19:39来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  2021年2月27日雅思G类小作文考题分析-邻居扔垃圾  本文为大家分享G类考试小作文,并为大家整理了范文,供参考学习!考题回忆:

  You are facing a problem with your neighbour who is leaving rubbish near your house. Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter

  – introduce yourself

  – explain the problem

  – provide an appropriate solution




  Dear Mr. White,

  I am Jenny Brown and I live just opposite to your bungalow at No.1809, East River Street. I would like to draw your attention to the garbage which you regularly leave near my home. You may have your own reasons for doing this but it is making life difficult for us.

  As you know, the municipal corporation comes only once a week to collect the rubbish; hence a huge pile of rubbish gets accumulated outside our gate and it certainly makes the place dirty and also attracts mosquitoes and fleas. This is so worrying, since I have 2 young children and I am quite concerned about their health.

  I request you to throw the waste in the public bin which is located at the back of your house or dispose of it in your own bin. We could also ask the maintenance officer of our locality to put an extra garbage bin in the vacant ground beside your house.

  I hope you will dispose of the rubbish appropriately the next time.

  Yours sincerely,

  Jenny Brown

