
2021-03-03 09:18:09来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  2021年2月27日雅思G类大作文考题分析-私家车太多   考题回忆:Nowadays many people prefer to use their own cars to commute rather than buses and trains. Why do you think this is happening? What can the government do to change it?


  With an increase in prosperity and falling cost of products, owning a car has become easier than ever before. People prefer travelling by cars since it is convenient and economical, and public transport is neither comfortable nor accessible.

  组长解析:第一句用解释原因的方式改写题目背景,第二句回应第一个写作任务,以便顺畅引出主体段1。如果采取Simon的常用结构, 开头段应对两个写作任务都进行简单回应。convenient、economical、comfortable、accessible是雅思写作和口语各类话题的常用观点。

  The proliferation of private vehicles and smooth roads has made travelling an easy and comfortable experience. While public transport is uncomfortable, personal cars offer an enjoyable experience. For instance, a recent McKinsey report revealed that while the number of cars in India have increased by 300 percent from 2010 to 2017, the number of people travelling by buses and trains have grown by 10 percent only. The report cites comfort of travel as the most important reason behind a tremendous growth rate of private vehicles.

  组长解析:呼应开头段提出的covenient和comfortable,解释人们更喜欢开私家车的原因。用举例的方式支撑论述。有些雅思教学网站认为用“研究成果”举例的说服力不够强,因为可能是编造的,应尽量从实际生活经验和真实例子中取材。词汇替换:cars = vehichles, personal cars, personal vehicles; buses and trains = public transport.

  Moreover, during the past century, advancements in automobile technology and falling price of oil have made private transport extremely economical. Long distance car travels have become as cheap as long distance bus drives. For instance, a recent report by the Indian Transport Ministry revealed that the cost of travelling for two passengers over a distance of 100 kilometers is equal both for a personal vehicle and a public transport.

  组长解析:呼应开头段提出的economical和accessible,继续回答第一问。词汇替换:cars = automobile technology,oil,private transport,economical = falling price, as cheap as,the cost of travelling.

  The governments must take serious measures to control increasing number of vehicles on the roads. Not only should they invest in introducing comfortable buses, building dedicated bus corridors, and launching metro rails but also impose heavy taxes on all modes of private transport except bicycles. These measures will help reduce extreme pollution in various cities such as New Delhi.

  组长解析:回应第二个写作任务。篇幅不大,内容比较充分,语言简洁,没有废话。话题词汇:invest in introducing comfortable buses, build dedicatd bus corridors, launch metro rails, impose heavy tax on private transport.

  In conclusion, the urge to drive a private vehicle needs to be curtailed to make Earth a sustainable place to live. Private vehicles are one of the biggest source of pollution and making public transport comfortable and affordable is the right path to follow.


