
2021-02-22 09:20:51来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思G类小作文考题分析-请朋友帮助翻译文件  本文为大家分享如题范文,并加以分析,希望能帮到大家!考题回忆:You have been sent a document in foreign language and you need to translate it. Write a letter to your friend and ask for translation. In your letter

  -why it is important

  -why your friend can do it

  -how will your friend get the document




  Dear Jane,

  I hope you're well.(非正式信开头常用句)I'm writing to ask for your help with a document that I need to translate into French.

  As you know, I've been given the opportunity to spend a semester at a business school in Paris. Well,(非正式信可以出现口语化表达)they've asked me to provide a translated copy (复印件)of my degree certificate along with the original.(原件)

  I've been told that I must submit both documents this week in order to secure my place on the course. They will give my place to someone if I don't get the translation done. I'm running out of time, and you're my only hope!(非正式信可以用叹号表达较为强烈的情绪)

  Do you think you could do me a big favor and give me an hour or so of your time either tomorrow or Wednesday? (请朋友帮忙的常用表达)It shouldn't take you long to translate the certificate and I can come to see you whenever suits you best.(“看你时间方便”的恰当英文表达)

  If you're able to help, let me know when you'd like me to pop around.(非正式信的常用结尾)

  Speak soon.(非正式信的恰当落款)


  183 words


