
2021-02-18 18:43:54来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:

  雅思大作文【访问其他国家更容易的利弊分析】高分范文示例!更多雅思托福备考资料可在关注公众号:雅托备考部落 查看往期文章 根据需要回复关键词 领取海量资料(百度网盘PDF可打印版)有需要的学生注意啦:


  Today, it is true that international tourism has become increasingly commonplace thanks to the reduced travel cost. While its benefits are championed by the populace, I will say its negative side deserves equal attention as well.

  While the boom of global journeys is applauded in terms of its leisure aspect, I would focus more on its relevance to other facets of society. One of the merits can be seen from the economic perspective: the surging trend of travelling abroad is a key boost to various industries, whether these be the airline, international tourism, or hospitality industry; apart from consumptions from tourists, it also creates millions of job opportunities. When it comes to cultural level, the convenience of journeying to different countries also acts as a catalyst for cultural exchange, given that more and more students and scholars can afford to study abroad.

  However, the aforementioned benefits are not justified enough to represent the entire picture – while focusing on the blessings of popularization of journeying abroad, let’s not be oblivious to its repercussions for the environment. Based on this, the discussion can then move on to handle conundrums as to how to tackle increasingly serious air pollution and exhaustion of fossil fuel resources, both of which are inextricably bound up with the surge in transcontinental flights or cruises. Not to be left behind is the construction of infrastructure like airports, which is gradually encroaching on natural habitats.

  From what has been discussed, it is my conclusion therefore, while more people journeying abroad is socioeconomically positive, its repercussion for the ecosystem deserve equal consideration.


  Surge 猛增

  Relevance 相关性

  Hospitality industry 酒店业

  Catalyst 催化剂

  Blessing 好处

  Popularization 普及化

  Repercussion 坏的影响

  Exhaustion 消耗

  Encroach 侵占

  Habitat 栖息地

