
2021-02-04 16:45:08来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思大作文范文分享:现代人接受让自己不那么舒适的生活方式   本文一起来看看这道题如何作答  更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育


  The key to solving environmental problems is simple: present generation is willing to accept a less comfortable life for the sake of the future generation.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  今天中国大陆考区雅思考试笔试的大作文题目属于环境类的主题,也是一个典型的“旧瓶装新酒”的题目---历史上和今天的考题长得完全一模一样的题目确实并不存在,但事实上一些往年老题讨论的问题本质上和今天的题目是一样的,比如2017年2月18日的这一题:Some people think the technology makes life complex, so we should make our life simpler without using the technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  Subject=accepting a less comfortable life(for the sake of the future generation)


  Effect= solve environmental problems in the future


  Characteristic= modern comfort is often at the cost of the damage to the environment




  Some people think that present generation should sacrifice their comfortable modern lifestyle so that environmental problems might be relieved and our future generation might benefit from it. Personally, I tend to disagree with this opinion.


  I understand that the environmental problems could be relieved in the future if we are willing to accept a less comfortable life. Many modern lifestyles that bring us comfort are at the cost of the damage to the environment: A lot of exhaust is emitted while we are enjoying the comfort of driving in an air-conditioned car. Thus, if one day all people would lead a simpler way of life that is less reliant on modern technology, for example, people walk to work instead of driving cars or use fewer electronic appliances, the emission of greenhouse gas and the consumption of electricity would decrease. As a result, environmental problems such as global warming can be relived in the future.


  Giving up modern comfort for the sake of environmental protection, however, is unrealistic as it could lead to the dramatic drop of living standard and thus would probably be rejected by most people. It is human nature to prioritize their own wellbeing over the wellbeing of other people. Should people be requested to give up using their car and walk to work everyday or to endure the hardship of staying in their room with air-conditioner turned off for the sake of environmental protection, people would probably feel angry and think that it makes no sense to give up their own comfort in order for the future generation to live in a better environment.


  To conclude, although living a simpler way of life can be conducive to a future with better environment, we do not necessarily have to reap this benefit at the cost of the loss of modern comfort technology gives us. There are ways that do not sacrifice our quality of life to tackle environmental problems. For example, we can use renewable clean energy to take the place of fuel to relive the problem of global warming.

