
2021-02-01 08:52:06来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:


  There is an impending trend that people’s overuse of plastic products has given rise to the serious pollution to the planet. From my perspective, while this may put the ecosystem and living creatures in jeopardy, there do exist some practical solutions to curb this tendency.


  One of the most frequently mentioned consequences may be the land pollution. Given the non-biodegradable feature of plastic waste, they tend to end up filling in landfill sites for hundreds of years. Translating this to the bigger picture, if our relentless littering of plastic garbage continued, one day we would be buried by discarded plastic items. Some may argue that this problem can be avoided by dumping them at seas; however, that begets another risk – the threat to living creatures in oceans. The past decades have witnessed many sea animals dying of eating plastic materials, which are indigestible.

  While the problems mentioned above has been frowned upon in many countries, there still something we can to do to mitigate the repercussions of plastic pollution fundamentally. One suggestion is to encourage the recycling of used plastic – shopping malls can offer green credits as an incentive to encourage customers to reuse their old plastic bags when shopping. Another option is to use eco-friendly materials to replace plastic in production, for example by using fabric or paper as packaging. Both measures can serve to reduce the production of disposable plastic products fundamentally and therefore mitigate the subsequent problems.

  From what has been discussed above, it is my conclusion therefore, plastic pollution will jeopardize our ecosystem and threat the survival of living creatures in the planet, and we can effectively reduce the use of plastic by recycling policy and employment of biodegradable replacement.


  Impending (通常指不愉快或不受欢迎的事件)即将发生的,逼近的

  Jeopardy 危险

  Curb 遏制

  Biodegradable 可以生物降解的

  Landfill site 填埋场

  Indigestible 不消化的

  Repercussion 负面影响

  Eco-friendly 环保的

