
2021-01-29 18:04:31来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  1.23亚太雅思大作文7分范文及解析:工作后和父母住一起    高分范文示例  思路解析可点击查看:1.23亚太雅思大作文 思路解析:工作后和父母住一起


  The phenomenon of joint families is still prevailing in some countries where some youngsters prefer to live along with their parents under the same roof for years after completing tertiary education and entering into the workplace. Although the benefits of this trend are lauded by some people, it looks to me that the drawbacks are far outweighing.

  The main disadvantage of this trend is the increased possibility of tension between the two generations. The disparity in age between parents and children is likely to result in divergent life attitudes, and corresponding two types of lifestyles. To be specific, working adults who may already be inundated with heavy workloads on weekdays would hang out with friends until midnight at weekends as a part of stress reliever, which tends to be reckoned as unacceptable behaviours by aged parents who get used to going to bed early. In the long run, a lack of mutual understanding is doomed to give rise to quarrels and conflicts so that harmonious family ties might be affected undesirably.

  Another concern related to this issue is that young adults would be deprived of independent living skills. The key reason may root in the fact that such excessive reliance on their parents discourages these grown-ups from developing decision-making capabilities and other essential life skills since they are comfortable with turning to parents for advice and solutions. As a result, it is more likely for them to be mentally fragile and vulnerable to upcoming challenges and thorny life issues later on, which is to their own detriment as well as to the future of society.

  While others may support this choice due to the reduced financial burden of the younger generation. It is true to some extent because in the modern society where living costs are significantly higher than before, the very problem that plagues these adult children is the increasing expenditure in every aspect of life. By sharing a house with their parents, the young can be waived fees for the leased accommodation and save money for paying electricity and water bills. Nevertheless, with accumulated working experience and career advancement, these youngsters would be economically capable of affording the expenses of such daily necessities with their anticipated income and proper financial planning since such expenditure would not be a large sum of money after all.

  In conclusion, I firmly believe that living with parents for years after graduation will have more detrimental effects than benefits, either in current or long-term perspective.


  Prevailing 盛行;流行的

  Laud 称赞

  Tension 冲突

  Divergent 分歧的,相异的

  Inundate 淹没

  Discourage 阻止

  Thorny 棘手的


  Waive 免除,放弃

  Detrimental 有害的 detriment 损害,伤害

