
2021-01-25 14:50:45来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  1月21日雅思大作文真题参考范文|延长寿命有什么影响?  2021年1月21雅思大作文题目

  A recent survey shows that in many countries across the world people are generally living longer. But an increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for the society as a whole. What are the possible effects of a longer life expectancy on individuals and the society?




  The growing number of elderly people living around us nowadays was a manifestation that the aging of the population has become one of the salient features of our lives, and this has a significant impact on both individuals and society.


  Ø 注意到题目中的“but”,这种转折暗示了本题更倾向于看到一些“负面”影响,所以本文未就正面影响作展开;

  Ø manifestation:表现

  Ø salient:显著的


  Individually, the increase in life expectancy is a "blessed pain" for the elderly. In ancient times, longevity has always been a dream of the general public. But at present, as this pursuit has already been fulfilled, they find that ageing is accompanied by an increase in potential diseases to some extent. Older people are less resistant and need more care from their families, but this may place a financial burden on their relatives in an economic respect. In addition, increasedlongevity means that "delayed retirement" will become a reality. However, the relevant participants are less productive and less receptive to new things than younger newcomers, inevitably leading to a decrease in employment competitiveness.


  Ø 对个人主要有两层影响:对其家庭带来财政负担;就业竞争性下降

  Ø blessed pain:幸福的烦恼

  Ø longevity:长寿

  Ø resistant:有抵抗力的

  Ø receptive:乐于接受的


  At the same time, social consequences may be brought. The one should be underlined is the aging of the population. Considering the cause of geriatric nursing, the government has to invest more in health insurance, and then in other social sectors such as education, environmental protection, and security. Besides, more and more senior people need pensions, and this will cause the next generation of young people to face more financial pressure. Moreover, whether pensions can withstand the impact of inflation is also a pressing social issue that needs to be addressed.


  Ø 对社会的影响:老龄化对政府带来的压力;养老金的发放给下一代人带来的压力;养老金是否能够有效抵抗通货膨胀

  Ø geriatric nursing:老年护理

  Ø pension:养老金

  Ø withstand: 抵抗

  Ø inflation:通货膨胀


  To sum up, although many people have achieved what the ancients dreamed of, the downside of this demographic trend cannot be ignored.


  Ø 简洁收尾,不必有过多“展望”

  Ø demographic:人口统计的


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