
2021-01-25 09:01:54来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:

  雅思大作文【学习外语听说读写一样重要】高分范文示例!更多雅思托福备考资料可在关注公众号:雅托备考部落 查看往期文章 根据需要回复关键词 领取海量资料(百度网盘PDF可打印版)有需要的学生注意啦:


  It is assumed that when learning second language, we should attach equal importance on all four skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. While this opinion has been applauded by the majority, it is difficult for me to see it as anything other than a generalized claim ignoring the discrete needs of individual learners.

  There seems to be reasons why it is considered necessary to keep balanced linguistic ability in the four aspects. For those who think in this way, each skill does have a role to play in the acquisition of a foreign language: while listening and speaking are imperative for face-to-face communication in work and daily life, it is reading and writing practice that facilitates learners’ profound understanding of the art and beauty between lines. Taking this point to academic level, the scores of the four categories are used by almost all educational institutions as general indicators to access students’ linguistic performance.

  Be that as it may, I will have to say that it is generalized to claim that learning a foreign language should be always follow a balanced approach on the four aspects. Those championing the claim are oblivious to the fact that the relevance of a specific skill to language acquisition is subject to discrete needs of individual learners. For example, a person who just want to travel to a country for fun may need to place more emphasis on listening and speaking ability, which is more practical during his daily communication with local residents. By contrast, for students majoring foreign literature, it is the writing and reading competencies that are more relevant to their future careers.

  From what has been discussed above, it is my opinion therefore, which linguistic skills are more important is domain specific and context dependent.


  Linguistic 语言的

  Acquisition 获得

  Literature 文学

  Competency 技能

