2021-01-19 08:56:53来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:
雅思大作文【大学生自己承担学费】高分范文示例!备考的学生收藏,更多雅思备考资料可关注公众号:雅托备考部落 查看往期文章 根据需要回复关键词 领取海量资料(百度网盘PDF可打印版)有需要的学生注意啦:
I would argue in this essay how irrational the claim that university education would be worthless to the entire society but only benefits students themselves is and how ridiculous the logic is made by the topic.
Before scrutinizing whether the benefits are or are not gotten by the society, we must first consider what “benefit” is. There is definitely a universal definition of what “benefit” means, and usually it means the “advantage that may be resulted from an action”, and in that case, the whole society would really benefit from the sending of its students into university. such positive outcome mainly is reflected in the possible phenomenon, in which the society would largely have talents on specific areas that may mostly contribute to its own paces. This is mainly because once the enrollment of college is implemented, students that are with qualified learning capabilities would be imparted with the majors that are directly linked to the further development of the society in every aspect. That may, superficially, not allow some to see past the immediate return that this action may bring because of a relatively long-period (at least 3 or 4 years) nurture, and rob them of the opportunity to recognize the potential that lies, but one must know that the knowledge given to the education receivers, and the giftedness that is discovered during the process are what lays the foundation of all the reasonings that follows. Certain university students or graduates may not seem like much or certainly may not surmount to anything on its own. However, sets of related talents, experts and professionals in all areas grouped together are what constitutes insights into new discoveries, theories into practices that are close to the life power of a social community, or one day may also the cornerstone of other even more crucial breakthroughs.
The fault premise, then seems directly leading to the unpersuasive property of the belief claiming that students should bear all the costs of the university on their own, but the truth may somehow overstep this recognition. Before establishing a causality, one must first deeply consider whether the reasons are necessarily correlated to their possible outcomes. However, the policy with regard to any public expenses to the per-capita well-being from the authority is not directly related to whether the society as a whole would make profits from this, but to whether the related welfare would be fairly and credibly enjoyed by almost every tax-payer; that means, ergo, any proposal of fiscal giving out would sound reasonable if it is truly necessary in meeting the living requirement of most residents on the basis of ensure the balance of all the financial allocations. It is then clear that the education output concerning university students is really doable, because the high-level education, on the one hand, is definitely a common, fundamental enjoyment that is endowed to any internal dweller who has the ability to be enrolled after passing the related tests and examinations, and becomes actually difficult to some in terms of the tuitions and other educational expenses on the other. What the governmental act, therefore, should be to break down the barriers for those who have talents but would be precluded from the path to college education because of impoverishment; there is certainly no need for them to pay all the costs of their studies, no matter who would truly benefit from this.
In conclusion, I would very much disagree that the society would be not a beneficiary in the university education, and that students have to pay all the studying expenses is impractical and is out of the correlation to who can actually be advantageous.
Irrational 不合理的
Scrutinize 验证
Potential 潜力
Premise 前提
Causality 因果关系
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