
2021-01-04 18:17:31来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  It happens so naturally that fewer young people are attracted by classical music in nowadays society, and I believe the future of this culture is neither a positive or negative development.

  The nature of classical music and multiple choices owned by young people today make the former increasingly not that attractive. Classical music is not easily publicly acceptable from the outset it had been composed, and that is even truer in this day’s society. This area is only friendly to those who are expertise, easy for them to find the subtle differences between musicians in compositing, say, the patterns, chords, and music events, or between performers' styles in playing the notes and movements with diversified forces or tempos to reflect their interpretations. However, it is not friendly to the public who only want to listen to the rhythms or melodies to trigger the production of dopamine. Worse yet, classical music becomes even less attractive when it is much further away from people in modern society. Not everyone would bother to try to understand how those pieces reflect things happening in the Baroque or Classical period; these are far away from the life in today’s world. Compared with those confusions, young people today have more choices in their daily entertainment. They can listen to other types of music instead such as Jazz, rock and folk music; these types of music are certainly much closer to their life and related concerts are more accessible, exciting and dopamine-triggering. Even if one is still crazy about classical music, there is still no need to go to a concert nowadays because there are so many other ways to listen to them, which are considered somehow better. Live shows are expensive especially when the orchestra bands are globally famous, but listening over the internet – if the recording system is excellent enough – is also available and cost-friendly.


  While some are panic about the future of classical music, I would believe that the truth would be somewhere in the middle. The trend of people less likely to listen to classical music concerts is certainly not an optimistic one, since the more people are in awe of those pieces of music, the less possible they thrive in modern society. However, there is still no need to worry about that. Even if this trend is considered to have limitations on classical music, those masterpieces still have their ways to live sustainably. Classical music playing is still considered the foundation of almost all instrument performances, and there are always people devoting themselves to research and spread the culture. On the other hand, the notation that the characteristics of a specific art that only attract the minority are what make it different from others, and are what determine its development is also a misconception. It is true that If it were facing fate to pander the public, it would be added with more commercial elements, elements that are deviating it from its original path, but knowing that there would be no modern classical musicians willing to compose pieces with pure classical styles, we know full well that the future for classical music is also not that bright. Classical music concerts may end up losing their shares in the market; this area seems extremely difficult for practitioners to sustain their living.

  In conclusion, the nature of classical music makes it somehow not so well accepted by young people and they are unwilling to go to concerts for it; there is still no need to over panic, but we should also not be too optimistic about its future.


  Dopamine 多巴胺

  Trigger 激发

  Misconception 误解

