2020-12-28 14:20:53来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
1. 地图题
The current layout of the town center of Islip and its future plan are demonstrated by these two maps.
At present, there is a main road running through the central area from the west to the east. On both sides of it, there are many shops. The countryside is on the north side of town center, and a housing area is in the south. Meanwhile, a school and a park are located in the southern and the southwestern parts of the town respectively.
From the second map, we can see that a dual carriageway is planned surrounding the center, and the current main road will be remodeled into a pedestrian street. On its northern side, some public constructions will be built such as a bus station, a shopping center, and a car park from the west to the east. To the east of these constructions, there will be a new housing area. Shops on the southern side of the street will be as the same as before. To the south of these shops, another new housing area will emerge. The size of the park will be reduced, but its location will still be the same. Out of the ring road, a housing area will be developed, and the school will be located in the same place as it is now.
To sum up, the central area will be more prosperous and be able to accommodate a larger population.
2. 流程图
It is illustrated by this flow chart how instant noodles are produced in the production line. The whole process includes 8 clear steps.
In the first step, flour is transported to storage silos by trucks, and then it is mixed with water and oil in a mixer. Going through rollers, the mixture becomes dough sheets, which will be cut into dough strips and then processed into noodles discs over the next two steps. Thereafter, these discs are ready to be fried by cooking oil and then will be dried. In the next step, each dried disc will be put into a cup and then
covered by some vegetables and spices. In the last step, those cups are labelled and sealed. Finally, the whole process is completed by those instant cup noodles being packaged.
In summary, for the production of instant noodles, flour, water, oil, vegetables, and some spices should be prepared as ingredients and seasoning. Meanwhile, after flour, oil and water is mixed, the dough will be rolled into sheets, cut into stripes, processed into discs, and deep fried. Subsequently, dried noodles discs will at last be packaged with some condiments.
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