
2020-12-21 11:50:03来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:

  Today, there is an increasing frenzy over celebrities among younger generations regardless what their idols do. While this faddism is usually frowned upon by many educationalists, I would say any social phenomenon should be considered from both positive and negative perspective.


  Indeed, the populace tend to focus on the detrimental side of youngsters’ preoccupation with idols. It is true that adolescents are at their impressionable age that are susceptible to the influence of their public figures. Unfortunately, lots of media are prone to hunt for negative coverage of stars of various fields, whether it be drug abuse of a famous athlete, or rebellion of a rock musician. Both facts give rise to prevalent apprehension about the celebrity faddism among the youth.

  While such a misgiving about idolatry does have its justification, I have to say it is simplistic to focus exclusively on its detriment to young minds while taking positive implications for granted. The apprehension mentioned above is based on a gross simplification of the connections between public figures and their impacts on young minds – those critics are oblivious to other determining factors that are relevant to the social impacts of the fad. Among other determinants, of particular importance is the role of media – oftentimes, the public response to a social outcome is subject to the lens from which media publicize it. Back to the aforementioned negative news of stars, if written from an instructive angle, the same story may be used as a deterrent to adolescents.

  From what has been discussed, it is my conclusion therefore, youth fascination for celebrities can be recognized both as negative and positive, depending on how we view this tendency.


  Frenzy 狂热

  Faddism 潮流

  Susceptible/impressionable 易受影响的

  Rebellion 叛逆行为

  Misgiving/apprehension 担忧

  Simplification 简单化

  Critic 批评者

  Deterrent 遏制因素

