
2020-12-18 10:50:31来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  2020年11月29日雅思机考出现的一道G类大作文题目是:人生中最重要的东西未必贵。The most important things in a person’s life do not always have a high financial value. Give your opinion and include any exmaples.



  Some people think that most important things in life are free and cannot be bought. To what extent do you agree?




  The most important things in life for the survival of human race are water, air, food, and social affinity. I strongly believe that these things are free and cannot be purchased with money since these are available in abundance in nature and, unless polluted or corrupted, are good for consumption.


  The nature has bestowed free and pure air, portable water, and edible food on every living organism. Tribals, for instance, live in natural state and do not accumulate goods for future consumption. They gather water from rivers, inhale fresh air of forests, and eat food from wild plants and trees. They do not have to pay taxes or purchase vehicles and homes. Wood for house construction is available freely in the nature. Even in urban areas air is available for free though we have to purchase clean water since natural water cannot be consumed due to pollution from anthropogenic activities.


  Moreover, humans are social creatures who need company and acceptance of others to survive. This is a necessity that is available without any cost. We make friends and spend time with family since it is a need. This activity does not require any financial dealing but only our time and no amount of money can purchase a family or friends. For instance, Human Happiness Index, a measure of human happiness developed by the World Bank, found that people with lower income and those living in poor countries are often more happy than rich and those living in developed countries. The index revealed that this is primarily due to strong social relations that do not require any monetary spending. (118 words.)

  解析:主体段2呼应开头段提出的支撑个人观点的第二个原因:“social affinity”,从亲情友情人际关系的角度论述最重要的东西是免费的,举例扣题。语法方面使用了各种从句、插入语、比较级等。

  In conclusion, the natural and social elements that are required for human survival are freely available and do not cost a dime. To live a peaceful and satisfying life we do not need material possessions such as phones and vehicles but love, care and affection of friends and familyalong with clean air and fresh water.


