
2020-12-17 09:04:41来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:


  I would argue in this essay that whether modern technology leads to an easier shopping experience depends entirely on who the consumers are.


  The technology development is gradually verifying what Moore has said in his law, that the speed of the capability growth of computers and other digital devices is exponential; this has led to a brand-new way of people buying goods. Internet giants are emerging, opening online stores, providing us with the opportunities of having a virtual commercial life without going out to physical stores. During this process, consumers who are adept to basic internet usages establish their commercial relationships with the online retailers using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, and they are provided with the details of their target goods by learning what is presented on the webpages. This type of shopping mode gives rise to the convenience that can never be gained before, since People are released from the complexities of traditional shopping, and are allowed to buy things whenever and wherever they want. Buyers used to carry the daily goods – foods, clothes or other uses, etc. – they have purchased in the stores, bearing with the time spending and the tiredness of the transportation. But now, they can just order what they want through apps on their phones, waiting for the well-developed logistic system to send the commodities to their home. Therefore, it is this type of online shopping experience that makes people save their time and energy buying commodities.

  The scenario listed above is just the one in which some people benefit from online shopping. The reality, however, is that not all people find it easier to purchase or shop over the internet, among which some older people may think it is extremely hard to buy what they want in a modern technological world. For the greying population, to learn a new thing is always with difficulties because of their increasingly deteriorating memories and their slower acceptance of information and knowledge. It is very complicated for them to follow the procedures of the entire online shopping, or even other modern technologies that are involved in their shopping experience, because they may have to learn how to set up an online account, to download and register in the apps, to communicate with the shop owners in a chatting room and, most importantly, to make sure the steps are enough safe and sound so that there would not be frauds that may cause them to lose their money. Worse yet, online shopping is also unfriendly in terms of information delivery; to the elderly, those internet commodity showcases always contain so much information that is hard to be read clearly by the ones who have bad eyesight, and the digital payments can still not be well accepted since the seniors are used to paying in cash for decades. All those difficulties mentioned make the new technology, especially the internet-based shopping mode become an extra burden to the old people.

  In conclusion, while modern technology makes a more convenient shopping environment, it doesn’t fit for all potential users.


  Internet giant 互联网巨头

  Commodity 商品

  Deteriorating 恶化的

