
2020-12-14 09:15:22来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:

  Celebrity status is certainly associated with fortune and affluence that appeals to a wide range of youngsters. Nevertheless, celebrity extravagance might set a negative example for youth, which will be further explored. (32 words)


  Certain famous individuals have become renowned for their skills in a particular field such as acting, singing, dancing or in the business domain. The struggles they experienced going from rags to riches can definitely serve as success stories and motivation for young people to achieve their aspirations. Some of the most wealthy and prosperous celebrities toiled for years to reach the level of fame and fortune they enjoy, which is no easy task. It can also be argued that a celebrity’s level of wealth is directly related to the amount of diligence and earnestness they expended throughout their lives. (99 words)

  On the contrary, there are a handful of famous individuals who blatantly show off their wealth by purchasing luxury items for their pets or post photos online of their wastefulness. This blatant disregard for the value of money is obviously not only a terrible example for cultivating healthy and balanced youngsters but also disrespects the large numbers of people who do not enjoy such vast riches. This type of image also influences young people to become singers, movie stars and dancers rather than scientists, teachers or doctors, which distorts the importance of certain jobs in real life. (97 words)

  From my point of view, one bad apple should not spoil the whole bunch and it is essential to give credit where credit is due. There are numerous celebrities who deliver a positive message to today’s youth and attempt to influence them to achieve their dreams. Youngsters need to be taught not to follow in the footsteps of the select few famous individuals who flaunt and boast their wealth. (69 words) (In total: 297 words)

  范文由环球教育加拿大国籍外教 Khalid Hasmath 老师本人执笔创作,仅供学术交流。

