
2020-12-09 15:54:06来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  I believe that  the 2-teacher team could be a great option for students. Firstly, each professor has more time to specialize in their own responsibility. For instance, the professor in charge of the lecture would have more time designing the powerpoints and contents of the lectures while the other professor would now have more time to generate interesting assignment tasks for the students. This leads to an improvement in the quality of both lectures and assignments.

  Moreover, normally professors would specialize in different fields within the same subject. Combining the intelligence from distinct fileds would augment the amount of knowledge a student can learn from this course. Take psychology course as an example. If a professor specialized in cognitive neuroscienceare paired with another professor who has done extensive research in social psychology, then the students can learn more about the intersection (which is social neuroscience) of such 2 fields in both lectures and assignments.




  specialize in their own responsibility 专业与自己的责任

  in charge of 负责

  Combining the intelligence from distinct fileds 将不同领域的精髓知识结合在一起

  augment the amount of knowledge 增多学习知识内容

  cognitive neuroscience 认知神经学

